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Staff Intranet

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The ECU Intranet is divided into three main sections. The Student, Research and Learning Intranets are available to all students and staff. The Staff Intranet is restricted to staff only and is accessible from within the Student and Staff Portal.

If you cannot find what you are looking for you may also like to refer to the Service Centres, Schools, and Internet Sitemap webpages on our public website. You may also like to perform a website search.


Please use the links below to find information on the Staff Intranet.

Level 1 Item Portal
Level 1 Item Staff Intranet - Professional Services
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Brand and Marketing
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Teams
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 3 Item Policies and guidelines
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item Business Growth and Development
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our Services
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item Digital and Campus Services
Level 2 Item Finance and Business Services
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Our Services
Level 3 Item Policies, Forms, Procedures and Templates
Level 3 Item System Links and User Guides
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item Graduate Research Services
Level 2 Item People and Culture
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 3 Item People and Culture Contacts
Level 2 Item International Office
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 2 Item Library Services
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Information Management & Archive Services
Level 2 Item Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Teams
Level 3 Item Policies, procedures and forms
Level 2 Item Research Services
Level 2 Item Strategic and Governance Services
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item Student Administration
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our services
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item University Program Management Office
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Our Services
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 1 Item Staff Intranet - Schools
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 1 Item Staff Intranet - Teams
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Enterprise Analytics and Performance
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Performance Improvement
Level 2 Item Strategic Relationships Management
Level 1 Item Staff Intranet - Campus Life
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Our campuses
Level 3 Item Joondalup Campus
Level 3 Item Mount Lawley Campus
Level 3 Item ECU South West (Bunbury Campus)
Level 3 Item Campus maps
Level 2 Item Campus facilities
Level 3 Item Accommodation
Level 3 Item Bookshop
Level 3 Item Childcare
Level 3 Item Computer labs and wireless internet
Level 3 Item Psychological Counselling Support
Level 3 Item Food, cafés and bars
Level 3 Item Hair salon
Level 3 Item Health services
Level 3 Item Library
Level 3 Item Lockers and bike compounds
Level 3 Item Print, mail and courier
Level 3 Item Sport and fitness
Level 3 Item Access and Inclusion
Level 3 Item Student Guild, clubs and associations
Level 3 Item Student Hub
Level 3 Item ECU Joondalup Pines
Level 2 Item Security on campus
Level 2 Item Getting to ECU
Level 3 Item Getting to Joondalup Campus
Level 3 Item Getting to Mount Lawley Campus
Level 3 Item Getting to the South West Campus
Level 3 Item Tertiary SmartRider
Level 1 Item Staff Intranet - News
Level 2 Item Overview

Please use the links below to find information on the Student Intranet.

Level 1 Item Portal
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - My Studies
Level 2 Item Academic Progression
Level 2 Item International students
Level 3 Item Student Visa Holder Study and Enrolment Loads
Level 3 Item Satisfactory course progress
Level 3 Item Work experience and work placement for International Students
Level 3 Item Change education provider
Level 3 Item Study Abroad and Student Exchange
Level 3 Item International Cafe
Level 2 Item Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Level 3 Item Student Success
Level 3 Item Tutorial Assistance
Level 3 Item Resources
Level 2 Item Enrolling in study units
Level 3 Item Enrolment dates
Level 2 Item Student Maps
Level 2 Item Special Consideration
Level 2 Item Exams, results & appeals
Level 3 Item Exams information
Level 3 Item Results and Completions
Level 3 Item How to request a Review or Appeal
Level 2 Item Academic Integrity
Level 3 Item What is Academic Integrity?
Level 3 Item Acting with Academic Integrity
Level 3 Item Avoiding Academic Misconduct
Level 2 Item Summer School
Level 2 Item Consent Matters
Level 2 Item Cultural Awareness
Level 2 Item Study assistance
Level 3 Item Academic Skills
Level 3 Item Peer Skills Advisers
Level 3 Item Pass Program
Level 3 Item Studiosity
Level 3 Item HDR Skills Resources
Level 3 Item Tip sheets to help you with studying and uni life
Level 2 Item Students Learning Technologies
Level 3 Item Learning Technologies at ECU
Level 3 Item General Learning Technology Support
Level 3 Item Virtual Classroom
Level 3 Item Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces
Level 3 Item Student Learning Technologies Support Portal
Level 2 Item Study opportunities
Level 3 Item Study overseas
Level 3 Item Further studies
Level 3 Item Study at another institution
Level 2 Item Taking time off
Level 2 Item Withdrawal dates
Level 2 Item Change my details
Level 2 Item Change courses
Level 2 Item Peer mentoring
Level 3 Item Becoming a mentor
Level 3 Item Becoming a mentee
Level 2 Item Student participation on Council and Boards
Level 2 Item Graduating
Level 3 Item What Alumni means to you
Level 3 Item Obtaining your certificate
Level 3 Item Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement
Level 2 Item Rules and policies
Level 3 Item Student charter
Level 3 Item Student rights
Level 2 Item Surveys
Level 3 Item Unit and Teaching Evaluation Instrument (UTEI)
Level 3 Item Prize winners
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - Support
Level 2 Item Contact us
Level 3 Item Student Hub
Level 3 Item Student feedback
Level 2 Item Careers and Employability Services
Level 3 Item Careers
Level 3 Item Volunteering
Level 3 Item Mentoring
Level 3 Item Career Sessions
Level 3 Item Get Career Ready
Level 3 Item Partnership with Dress for Success
Level 3 Item Big Interview
Level 3 Item Talk to the Employer - Lunchbox series
Level 3 Item Jobs On Campus
Level 2 Item Student Success
Level 3 Item New Student Roadmap
Level 3 Item Elite Athlete Program
Level 3 Item Support for Australian Defence Force and Emergency Services
Level 2 Item The Wellbeing Precinct
Level 2 Item Psychological Counselling Support
Level 3 Item Tip sheets
Level 3 Item Counselling Workshops and Groups
Level 3 Item Information for Staff
Level 2 Item ECU Health Service
Level 3 Item Our staff
Level 3 Item Services
Level 3 Item Emergency / After Hours
Level 3 Item Confidentiality
Level 3 Item Fees and Charges
Level 2 Item The Living Room
Level 2 Item Access and Inclusion
Level 3 Item What can I expect when I have an appointment with Access and Inclusion?
Level 3 Item Additional services and resources
Level 3 Item FAQs
Level 3 Item Make an appointment
Level 3 Item Access and Inclusion Workshops
Level 2 Item IT services
Level 3 Item Support and advice
Level 3 Item Getting connected
Level 3 Item Buying a computer or software
Level 3 Item Access to University Computers, Printers and Software
Level 3 Item Multifactor Authentication
Level 2 Item Work Health and Safety
Level 3 Item Induction
Level 3 Item Fieldwork
Level 3 Item Laboratory
Level 3 Item Lecture theatres
Level 3 Item Animals
Level 2 Item Sexual assault and sexual harassment
Level 3 Item How do I report sexual assault or sexual harassment?
Level 3 Item Where can I access support?
Level 3 Item How can I support someone who discloses sexual assault or sexual harassment?
Level 3 Item What is image-based abuse?
Level 3 Item University Contact Officers (UCO), ALLY
Level 2 Item Accommodation Resources
Level 2 Item Financial Support Resources
Level 2 Item General Misconduct
Level 2 Item Fitness to Study
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - Money Matters
Level 2 Item Fees
Level 3 Item International
Level 3 Item Domestic
Level 3 Item Student Services and Amenities Fee
Level 3 Item When to pay
Level 3 Item How to pay
Level 3 Item Withdrawal and refunds
Level 3 Item Sponsorship
Level 3 Item Other fees
Level 3 Item Fees calculator
Level 3 Item WAAPA VET fees
Level 2 Item Loans
Level 3 Item How to apply
Level 3 Item How to repay
Level 2 Item Scholarships
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - Campus Life
Level 2 Item Campus facilities
Level 3 Item Accommodation
Level 3 Item Booking rooms
Level 3 Item Bookshop
Level 3 Item Childcare
Level 3 Item Computer labs and wireless internet
Level 3 Item Food, cafés and taverns
Level 3 Item Hairdresser
Level 3 Item Health and counselling
Level 3 Item Cultural and Faith diversity
Level 3 Item Library
Level 3 Item Sport and fitness
Level 2 Item Student Safety
Level 2 Item Student Guild
Level 2 Item Campus maps
Level 2 Item Student Activities
Level 3 Item Indigenous Games
Level 2 Item Parking
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - Dates & Events
Level 2 Item Events and activities
Level 2 Item Academic calendar
Level 2 Item Teaching timetable
Level 2 Item Withdrawal dates
Level 2 Item Exam timetable
Level 2 Item Important dates
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - News
Level 2 Item Latest news
Level 1 Item Student Intranet - Forms
Level 2 Item Forms

Please use the links below to find information on the Research Intranet.

Level 1 Item Portal
Level 1 Item Research Intranet - For Research Students
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Welcome to ECU
Level 2 Item For Research Students - Research journey
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Getting started
Level 3 Item Managing your candidature
Level 3 Item MyPLAN
Level 3 Item Confirmation of candidature
Level 3 Item Designing and undertaking your research
Level 3 Item Writing and presenting your research
Level 3 Item Thesis examination
Level 3 Item Forms, policies and guidelines
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item SOAR Centre
Level 3 Item About
Level 3 Item Support available
Level 3 Item Book an appointment
Level 3 Item SOAR sessions
Level 3 Item Become a SOAR Peer Adviser
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item GRIP
Level 2 Item Research support staff
Level 2 Item Research workshops and resources
Level 3 Item Software and databases
Level 2 Item Opportunities for research candidates
Level 3 Item ECU Higher Degree by Research Scholarships
Level 2 Item Contact
Level 1 Item Higher Degree by Research
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Starting your journey
Level 2 Item Forms, policies and guidelines
Level 2 Item Opportunities for research candidates
Level 3 Item Research scholarships
Level 2 Item Milestones
Level 2 Item During candidature
Level 3 Item Candidature management
Level 3 Item HDR Leave
Level 3 Item Research travel
Level 3 Item Progress tracking and reporting
Level 3 Item Support services and resources
Level 3 Item Appeals and grievances
Level 2 Item Resources and development
Level 3 Item SOAR Centre
Level 4 Item About
Level 4 Item Support available
Level 4 Item Book an appointment
Level 4 Item SOAR sessions
Level 4 Item Become a SOAR Peer Adviser
Level 4 Item Contact
Level 3 Item Research proposal
Level 3 Item Ethics approval
Level 3 Item Risk assessment and management
Level 3 Item Designing and undertaking your research
Level 3 Item Writing and presenting your research
Level 3 Item Thesis examination
Level 3 Item Research workshops and resources
Level 3 Item Software and databases
Level 2 Item Contact
Level 1 Item Research Intranet - For Research Staff
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Research orientation
Level 2 Item For Research Staff - Research journey
Level 3 Item Overview
Level 3 Item Getting started
Level 3 Item ORCID @ ECU
Level 3 Item Research funding
Level 3 Item Completing pre-research tasks
Level 3 Item Managing your research
Level 3 Item Completing your project
Level 3 Item Knowledge transfer
Level 3 Item ECU Strategic Research Institutes and Centres
Level 3 Item University Research Memberships and Partnerships
Level 3 Item Contact
Level 2 Item Research Integrity Professional Learning (RIPL)
Level 2 Item Awards and Prizes
Level 3 Item Fulbright scholars
Level 2 Item Research funding
Level 2 Item Research Integrity
Level 2 Item Our services
Level 3 Item Research ethics support
Level 3 Item Contract management
Level 3 Item Early and Mid-Career Researcher Network (EMCRN)
Level 2 Item Researcher professional development at ECU
Level 2 Item Research performance
Level 3 Item Research administration systems
Level 3 Item Research performance reporting
Level 3 Item Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
Level 3 Item Engagement and Impact Assessment (EI)
Level 3 Item Research performance analytics
Level 2 Item Commercialisation
Level 3 Item Easy Access IP
Level 2 Item Policies, forms and guidelines
Level 3 Item ECU Research Management System guides
Level 2 Item Research Weekly
Level 2 Item Information for Supervisors
Level 3 Item Becoming an ECU HDR Supervisor
Level 3 Item Nomination of supervisors
Level 3 Item Supervisor development
Level 3 Item Principal Supervisor Accreditation Program
Level 3 Item HDR Scholarships
Level 3 Item Funding for Supervisors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Degree by Research Candidates
Level 3 Item Respect. Now. Always. Resources
Level 3 Item Supervising Online
Level 3 Item Alternative Work Plan
Level 3 Item Chairing an Oral Examination Panel
Level 2 Item Contact
Level 1 Item Research and International Compliance Obligations
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 1 Item Research Intranet - Research ethics and integrity
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Our approach to Research Ethics and Integrity
Level 3 Item The Openness Agreement
Level 3 Item Human research policy and legislation
Level 3 Item Animal research policy and legislation
Level 3 Item Research in other organisations
Level 2 Item Applying for research ethics approval
Level 3 Item Understanding the Proportional Review Checklist
Level 3 Item Applying for animal ethics approval
Level 3 Item Review committees
Level 3 Item Unit licences
Level 3 Item Clinical trials
Level 2 Item Resources to support research ethics applications
Level 3 Item Professional Learning
Level 3 Item Resources to support animal ethics applications
Level 2 Item Managing your approved research ethics application
Level 3 Item Managing your approved animal research ethics application
Level 2 Item Contact

Please use the links below to find information on the Learning Intranet.

Level 1 Item Portal
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - Academic Development
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Academic Practice Programs
Level 2 Item Artificial Intelligence Literacy Resources for ECU Staff
Level 2 Item ECUlture 2024
Level 2 Item Learning Communities
Level 3 Item Blended Learning Community
Level 3 Item WIL Learning Community
Level 3 Item SoTL Learning Community
Level 3 Item Inclusive Education Learning Community
Level 2 Item Professional Development Courses (PDC) Program
Level 3 Item FAQs
Level 2 Item Peer Review of Teaching
Level 3 Item TOP: Teaching Observation Partners
Level 3 Item Open Door Teachers: Developing Teacher Leaders
Level 2 Item Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Level 2 Item Awards and Grants
Level 2 Item Teaching Resources
Level 1 Item Academic Integrity
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Academic Integrity for Staff
Level 3 Item Identifying and Managing Contract Cheating
Level 3 Item Identifying and Managing Plagiarism
Level 3 Item Additional Resources and Support
Level 3 Item Rules, Policy and Procedures
Level 3 Item Developing a Culture of Academic Integrity
Level 2 Item Academic Integrity for Students
Level 2 Item Lodge a Case
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - Awards and Grants
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Vice-Chancellor's Learning and Teaching Awards
Level 3 Item Recipients
Level 2 Item Australian Awards for University Teaching
Level 2 Item ECU Learning and Teaching Grants
Level 3 Item Recipients
Level 1 Item Centre for Learning and Teaching
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Learning Support
Level 3 Item Learning Support Staff
Level 2 Item Teaching Quality
Level 3 Item Teaching Quality Staff
Level 2 Item Learning Technologies and Innovation
Level 3 Item Learning Technologies and Innovation Staff
Level 2 Item Support staff for Schools
Level 2 Item Contact
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - Curriculum Design
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Accessible Information Design
Level 2 Item Assessment and Feedback
Level 2 Item Benchmarking
Level 2 Item Course Learning Outcomes
Level 3 Item CLO Resources
Level 3 Item Critical thinking
Level 3 Item Creative Thinking
Level 3 Item Communication
Level 3 Item Collaborative Learning
Level 3 Item Digital Literacies
Level 3 Item Diverse Perspectives
Level 3 Item Knowledge
Level 3 Item Learner Autonomy
Level 2 Item Moderation
Level 2 Item Research Informed Teaching
Level 2 Item Employability
Level 3 Item Field Work
Level 3 Item Work Integrated Learning
Level 3 Item Assessing WIL
Level 3 Item Community Engagement
Level 2 Item First year experience
Level 2 Item Sustainability
Level 2 Item Teaching Strategies
Level 3 Item Discussion & Debate
Level 3 Item Role Play
Level 3 Item Student Presentations
Level 3 Item Think Pair Share include under Active Learning
Level 3 Item Labs
Level 3 Item Active Learning
Level 3 Item Experiential Learning
Level 3 Item Inquiry-based Learning
Level 3 Item Peer Learning
Level 3 Item Problem Based Learning
Level 3 Item Reflective Learning
Level 3 Item Integrative learning
Level 2 Item Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Level 2 Item Teaching Resources
Level 2 Item Unit Learning Outcomes
Level 1 Item Workforce Strategy and Capability
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Staff development map
Level 2 Item Coaching and Mentoring
Level 2 Item Personal Excellence & Self Management
Level 3 Item Staff Orientation: Working at ECU
Level 3 Item Mentoring
Level 2 Item Management and Leadership
Level 3 Item Additional resources for self-directed learning
Level 2 Item Performance Enhancement
Level 3 Item Diagnostic Model and Tool
Level 2 Item Role Based Development Framework
Level 3 Item Background and resources
Level 2 Item Facilitation of Change
Level 2 Item Diversity Development and Inclusion
Level 2 Item Alesco Request Forms (Staff Training Course Upload)
Level 2 Item Workforce Strategy and Capability Staff
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - Learning Technologies
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 2 Item Learning Technologies at ECU
Level 2 Item Staff Learning Technologies Support Portal
Level 2 Item Canvas
Level 2 Item Short Courses information for staff
Level 3 Item Resources for Staff
Level 3 Item Training for Staff
Level 3 Item Resources for Participants
Level 2 Item Sonia
Level 2 Item Superlabs
Level 3 Item FAQs
Level 3 Item Resources
Level 3 Item Building Overview
Level 2 Item Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces
Level 3 Item TEL spaces support resources
Level 3 Item Teaching Activity Styles in TEL Spaces
Level 3 Item Spanned classroom support resources
Level 2 Item Teaching Resources
Level 2 Item Contact Learning Technologies and Innovation
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - News-and-Events
Level 2 Item Latest news
Level 1 Item Staff Development Calendar
Level 1 Item Managing COVID-related disruptions to teaching and learning
Level 2 Item Overview
Level 1 Item Learning Intranet - Teaching Resources
Level 2 Item Overview
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