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Appeals and grievances

If you’re experiencing difficulties or dissatisfaction with supervision, support or facilities that are affecting your academic progress you should initially try to resolve the problem through discussion with your supervisor.

If this is unsatisfactory, or not possible, you should discuss the matter first with your Postgraduate Coordinator, then Associate Dean (Research), Dean of School or Dean, Graduate Research, in that order, if necessary.

Grievance procedures

If the problem cannot be resolved through discussion at these levels, you can lodge a written complaint with the Dean of Graduate Research. Following an investigation of the matter by Graduate Research, if you’re still dissatisfied with the decision, you may appeal against that ruling.

If the problem or disagreement can’t be resolved between you, your supervisor or any of the above people you should refer to the procedures outlined in the Student Complaints policy.

Following submission of your thesis for examination, you may appeal against aspects of the examination process or outcome of the examination, but not against aspects of supervision. Therefore, it is essential to attempt to resolve issues regarding supervision as early as possible.


If you’re unhappy with the outcome of the examination process you have up to 20 business days following the notification of the outcome to lodge an appeal.

You should consult the University Statutes, Rules and By-Laws web page for full details on appeal procedures. Part VI Division 5 of the Edith Cowan University Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules (University rules) covers the conditions for appeals to the Student Appeals Committee for a course requiring submission of a thesis.

Again, you may appeal against aspects of the examination process or outcome of the examination, but not against aspects of supervision. For more information, visit the Exam results and appeals web page.

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