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Progress tracking and reporting

Your research journey involves key milestones. To ensure timely completion, use the progress reporting system to track past achievements and plan for future milestones.

For candidates enrolled in a thesis unit, you and your supervisors are required to report on the progress of your research at the end of each semester. The progress report has three main purposes:

  • to review your progress to date and plan for your next semester and beyond;
  • to allocate a progress grade; and
  • to request enrolment for the next semester.

It is important to discuss with your supervisors any matters which could impede your progress or affect the quality of your research.

Research progress reports are normally completed online in May/June (semester 1) and October/November (semester 2).  An email will be sent to your student email account with a link to the research progress report form with instructions on how to complete it. There are three stages to the process:

  • Stage 1: The report is started by you. You’re encouraged to make an appointment to meet with your supervisory panel to discuss the report, any concerns regarding your progress and your goals for the next semester. After you’ve completed stage 1 you’ll submit the report to your Principal supervisor;
  • Stage 2: Your Principal supervisor will complete the second stage of the report, which will be submitted to Research Assessments;

If you have concerns that you’ve not been able to resolve with your supervisors, School Coordinator or Associate Dean (Research), you'll be given an opportunity to send a confidential comment to the Dean, Graduate Research. This comment is only submitted directly to the Dean and not kept with your progress report documentation.

Progress grade

The progress report grading system is outlined below:

  • SP (Satisfactory Progress) - Candidate has achieved satisfactory progress throughout the semester and can continue with their enrolment in thesis units.
  • MP (Marginal Progress) - Candidate has only made marginal progress during the semester and is given one semester to improve the situation. The candidate and supervisor are required to complete a progression plan, outlining goals to be achieved in the upcoming semester. If the goals are not achieved by the end of that semester, the candidate will be recommended for exclusion.
  • F (Fail) - Candidate has made very poor academic progress during the semester. The Progression Panel will exclude the candidate from the program.

Progress report assistance

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If you experience difficulties accessing your student email or the form please contact the IT Service Desk. Email or telephone (61 8) 6304 6000.

For other queries relating to progress reports, please contact Research Assessments. Email or telephone (61 8) 6304 3911.

A Marginal Progress (MP) grade indicates that you’ve not made sufficient progress with your research and haven’t performed as expected. When you receive an MP grade, it is similar to being put on academic probation. You’ll be allowed to continue with your research but will need to have a closely monitored program of study to bring you back on track. This will be determined in your progression plan.

Don’t think of the MP grade as a reason to defer your studies – there are a number of options available to you. You can discuss these options with your supervisor, such as cutting back to part time or accessing our support services. Any options you decide to take should be mentioned in your progression plan.

Marginal progress (MP) and scholarship

If you are a scholarship candidate, an MP grade will not affect your scholarship. You’ll still continue to receive your scholarship, so you can focus on addressing the issues that may have affected your performance without having financial difficulties.

ECU’s Admission, Enrolment and Academic Progress Rules (Rule 27) outline the rules relating to marginal progress and progression plan.

If you receive an MP grade, you’ll be required to complete a progression plan in consultation with your supervisors.

The progression plan should be completed within 21 days after the notice is issued of receiving the MP grade. You, your Principal Supervisor, and the Associate Dean (Research) of the school, need to sign off on the contract.

If you choose to defer (intermit) your studies right after receiving the MP grade, it's still necessary to finalise the progression plan within 21 days after the notice is issued; or 7 days after the commencement of their next Teaching Period, whichever occurs later. This plan will become effective upon your return.

The progression plan serves as a guide to remind you of the agreed plan of study for the coming semester, as well as the support services available to you to ensure you get back on track. It should detail the following:

  • Realistic milestones, timelines and actions that can be achieved within the period before the next progress report;
  • An outline of meetings for the coming semester to ensure that you meet with your supervisors on a regular basis; and
  • Strategies for overcoming logistical or other barriers that have contributed to the MP grade should be recorded, alongside any support services that may help in overcoming the issue.

Next reporting period

If you meet the milestones outlined in the progression plan within the agreed timeframes, you should receive a grade of Satisfactory Progress (SP) in the next reporting period.

However, if you do not progress satisfactorily in the semester following the awarding of an MP grade, you’ll be awarded a grade of Undifferentiated Fail and be excluded from the course.

Note: this only applies to two consecutive MP grades received – if you receive an MP grade in one semester followed by an SP grade in the following semester, another MP grade received during the lifetime of your research degree will not mean automatic exclusion.

Seeking support

ECU offers a number of support services that you can access throughout your time as an HDR candidate. We encourage you to include these support services in your progression plan and continue accessing these services even after you have gone back on to a SP grade. These services include:

  • Counselling Service;
  • HDR Communication Advisers;
  • Research training workshops
  • English as an additional language – EAL workshops
  • SOAR Centre
  • Library/School Librarians
  • Student Hub

More information about support services is available on the Support services and resources web page.

Feedback and advice

There are a number of avenues for you to provide feedback on your experiences at ECU and make suggestions for improvements.

For example:

  • the annual In-progress Research Experience Questionnaire (IPREQ)
  • your semester progress report allows you to:
    • identify training requirements, and/or;
    • identify issues affecting progress and develop a plan, with your supervisors, to deal with these.

You can also provide feedback at any time to the Dean, Graduate Research Professor Chris Abbiss via email:

It’s important that you seek advice on issues related to your research and enrolment. While your supervisors will normally be your main source of advice, you may also seek advice from the following:

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