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HDR Leave

All Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates, including Scholarship recipients, enrolled in a thesis unit are entitled to apply for annual and sick leave which is calculated on a pro-rata basis.

  • Before taking any leave, candidates must seek approval from their Principal Supervisor and discuss annual leave with them beforehand.
  • In cases where applying for leave before absence is not possible (e.g., due to illness), candidates should promptly inform their supervisor of their situation.

Complete HDR Student Leave Application online. This form applies to all Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates requesting either annual or sick leave. Upon completion, will be forwarded to your supervisor for approval.

Note: All HDR candidates are required to report approved annual leave and sick leave days taken each semester in their Progress Report.

HDR Scholarship Recipients

Please refer to the following Scholarships webpage for information on leave entitlements: 
Can I take leave whilst in receipt of a HDR Living Stipend Scholarship

Leave categories

The below leave categories apply to all HDR candidates:

Annual Leave

You are entitled to 20 working days (4 weeks) of annual leave each year, calculated pro-rata for part-time candidates, which can be accrued and utilised in subsequent years. Leave requests are approved by the Principal Supervisor, and candidature will continue during approved annual leave.

If you are requesting more than four weeks of leave, it's advisable to discuss this with your Principal Supervisor. Depending on the circumstances, an application for alternative leave, course intermission, or candidature extension may be necessary.

Sick Leave

You are entitled to 10 working days of sick leave per annum during your candidature, which can be accrued and utilized in subsequent years. If your sick leave extends beyond two consecutive days, you must provide a medical certificate to your Principal Supervisor upon returning and upload it with your progress report.

If you have an ongoing medical condition and/or disability or provide care for a family member with a disability, you may be eligible for additional support. For eligibility information or to make an appointment to register with the service, contact Access and Inclusion on 6304 6960,, or visit the website for further information.

If you have any questions, please contact Graduate Research Services.

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