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Risk assessment and management

Risk Assessment

Proactively, effectively and continually managing Work Health, Safety (WHS) and business risk is the foundation to successful project planning and outcomes. Taking a structured risk management approach assists in identifying potential problems before they occur and is a requirement under Work Health and Safety legislation.

Before conducting any research, training or education activities, researchers must identify and manage the hazards and risks associated with their work by completing a documented WHS Risk Assessment in Riskware.

Radiation, Biosafety/Biosecurity or Hazardous Substances

Where the research project involves Radiation, Biosafety/Biosecurity or Hazardous Substances related activities, a RBHS Application must also be completed and approved within the Riskware RBHS Module.

**If unsure or in doubt, please visit RBHS Page or contact RBHS team directly via or phone 6304 5345.


For all research activity, Researchers are required to complete:

A WHS risk assessment using the Riskware - WHS Risk Module and following the steps outlined on the Work Health and Safety Hazard and Risk management page. The WHS Risk Assessment must be approved by the Research Supervisor in accordance with ECU’s Risk Acceptance criteria.People and Culture have a range of Information Sheets to assist with completing a WHS risk assessment. A number of video tutorials on completing a risk assessment for a research project are also available under Training Resources below.Dependent on the nature of the research, you may also need to complete:

  1. A Radiation, Biosafety/Biosecurity or Hazardous Substances (RBHS) Application.If any Radiation, Biosafety or Hazardous Substances (including chemicals) related hazards identified in the WHS hazard risk assessment meet the criteria for RBHSC application and approval, then an RBHS application needs to be completed and submitted for approval in the RBHS Application and Approval Register Module of Riskware.Activities related to the application must not commence until the application has been approved. This includes the purchasing and import of any related materials.
  2. A risk assessment for other general/enterprise risks that are not WHS hazards.
    For example those related to financial and legal, business interruption, quality, or the environment, such as the risks associated with the loss of owned, hired or borrowed/loaned specialist equipment or contractual obligations (confidentiality, IP, Privacy, timelines and deliverables to be met).

Further general Risk Management information and help can be found here.

Training Resources

The following tutorials have been developed and are available on the People and Culture webpage, under the Hazard and Risk Management tab which provide research students with an understanding of WHS risk and the process for completing a risk assessment in Riskware.

Additional support

For further advice and support, contact:

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