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For information relating to higher degree by research (HDR) administration issues, please contact Student Administration.

Student Administration

Make an enquiry
Telephone: 134 328

  • Enrolments/re-enrolments
  • Scholarships
  • Progress reports and thesis examination

School-specific resources

Your enrolled school will provide you with a range of support, services and resources throughout the duration of your degree. This will include HDR supervision and assistance with the allocation of office space, specialised equipment, laboratories, and relevant research funding (if provided).

It is strongly recommended that you contact your Supervisor and relevant Course Coordinator to discuss the support provided by the School. In addition, you may contact the Associate Dean of Research within your relevant School should you need.

School HDR Course Coordinators

School Associate Deans (Research)

Be part of the University’s research themes

ECU research focuses on four themes that recognise both our collective expertise and our progressive view of the world. Explore our world-class research and strategic research institutes and centres.

You may claim assistance towards expenses relating to consumables, services and travel that have been incurred directly and solely in the course of research, or in presenting research findings at a conference. For specific details, please refer to your School's staff supporting research candidates.

School of Arts and Humanities
Alida Jenner
Telephone: (61 8)  08 6304 5626

School of Business and Law
Alina Yasakova
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3923

School of Education
School Officers Team

School of Engineering
Audrey Gan
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5927

School of Medical and Health Sciences
Jillian Walker, Tara Irwin, Tracey Dunbar and Amanda Bassford
Telephone: (61 8)  6304 5483

School of Nursing and Midwifery
Emy Toutountzis
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2856

School of Science
Yvonne Garwood
Telephone: (61 8)  6304 5686

Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts
Penelope Blancho Ochoa
Telephone: (61 8)  6304 2112

For more information about fees, loans, Centrelink and scholarships visit the Money Matters web page.

School HDR Representatives are HDR candidates who volunteer their time to inform university and school initiatives and advocate for their peers. These individuals are representatives on the School Research and Research Training Committees and the HDR Student Representatives Forum. You may like to contact your School’s HDR Representative if you have concerns, comments or feedback about your course.

School HDR Representatives

You can also find your HDR Representatives on the ECU Guild website.

Graduate Research Services Enquiries

HDR candidates should first contact their supervisor with any questions related to their research study and milestone progression. For additional support with milestones, progression updates, or policy guidance, please reach out to Graduate Research Services at

Joondalup Campus
Building 34, Level 3
270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup WA 6027

Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2628

Vada Ng

Ashley Holst
Team Leader

Joseph Sim
Coordinator, Research Student Support

Lucy Grainger
Coordinator, Research Student Support

Jacinta Knowles
Coordinator, Research Student Support

Meila Fernandes
Coordinator, Research Student Support

Professor Chris Abbiss
Dean, Graduate Research 
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5740
Mobile: 0404 299 331

Dr Kate Howell
HDR Course Coordinator
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2612

Associate Professor Deb Strickland
HDR Course Coordinator

Helen Corker
Administrative Officer 
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2833

SOAR Centres

Joondalup Campus
Building 34, Room 34.302
270 Joondalup Drive, Joondalup WA 6027
Mon-Fri 10am-2pm; Mon, Tues and Thurs 3.00pm-7pm

Mount Lawley Campus
Building 3, Room 3.175 (Academic Skills Centre)
2 Bradford Street, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Wed and Fri 10.00am-2.00pm

Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5751

International enquiries:
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5751

Instant chat in MS Teams. Drop a question into chat and one of the team will get back to you.

Book an appointment or email

Research Support Staff

Graduate Research Advisers provide support to help HDR candidates make the transition to the culture of research. Their aim is to provide guidance and support in the development of your skills to effectively plan and carry out your research as an independent researcher.  Advice includes topics such as:

  • planning research projects and keeping on target;
  • how to select methods to suit research questions;
  • considerations in developing a suitable research design;
  • data management and analysis;
  • interpretation, reporting and presentation of findings; and
  • conceptual issues in producing a final thesis or exegesis.

Dr Neil Ferguson
Research Adviser (Qualitative)
Mount Lawley Campus, Room 3.220
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 6047
Available by appointment Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Dr Chandra Salgado Kent
Research Adviser (Quantitative)
Joondalup Campus
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3705

The HDR Communication Advisers at ECU support HDR students with their written and oral skills during candidature so that they are better prepared for publication, examination and entering the workforce.

HDR Communication Advisers provide advice in individual consultations, in workshops and via self-access resources. We focus on:

  • Writing: developing proposals, thesis chapters, abstracts, publications, as well as responding to reviewers’ and examiners’ comments; and
  • Oral communication: developing proposal seminars, conferences and oral PhD examinations.

Students can book an appointment with a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Communication Adviser online. Resources to enhance HDR candidates’ communication skills can be found on the HDR Skills Centre site on Canvas. If you have any problems accessing this site, please email

Dr Sharon Matthews (works Monday to Wednesday, Friday)
Schools: School of Arts and Humanities; School of Business and Law
Location: JO34.305
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 5670

Dr Jo McFarlane (works on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)
Schools: School of Education; Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts
Location: ML3.174
Telephone: (61 8) 9370 6966

Dr Michael Stein (works full time Monday to Friday)
Schools: School of Engineering; School of Medical and Health Sciences; School of Nursing and Midwifery; School of Science
Location: JO34.306
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 6148

Research Ethics

This team provides information, support and guidance about:

  • preliminary reviews of research applications for ethics approval;
  • feedback to applicants prior to application submission;
  • liaising between Ethics Committees and students; and
  • ensuring that all approved research projects are effectively monitored.

For more information contact Research Ethics.

Library Services

The library can provide you with a wide range of services to facilitate postgraduate research.

Make an appointment to discuss search strategies, key subject databases, tracking new publications, referencing, Document Delivery and EndNote, researcher information such as research impact, researcher IDs, publication metrics, research data management and publishing options.

For more information, please contact your Subject Librarian.

Research Assessments

Provides information and advice about:

  • research progress reports; and
  • thesis examination.


HDR Enquiries

Provides information and advice about:

  • admission to the degree;
  • re-enrolments; and
  • enrolment variations.


Research Scholarships

This office provides information and advice for:

  • prospective scholarship applicants; and
  • current scholarship holders.

For more information contact Scholarships.

SOAR Centre

A peer-to-peer service providing support and information with a focus on research skills training and career development.

For more information and appointments contact the SOAR Centre.

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