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Designing and undertaking your research

You may already have some idea of your research topic or the kinds of questions you’d like to answer before you start your doctoral or masters by research degree.

Even if this is the case, it’s essential that you put a lot of time and thought into your research design. Good design is important for attaining your desired research outcomes, completing your research degree within the allocated timeframe and having your research well-received by examiners.

You must be rigorous in your approach to undertaking your research. By the time you’re ready to collect data you should be confident that you’re asking the right questions and applying the right methodologies.

Getting started

This series of web pages outlines some of the key elements to think about when designing and undertaking your research:

  • Responsible research
  • Conceptualising your research
  • Reviewing the literature
  • Research design
  • Project management
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Data management

What next?

Spend time reviewing the information in these web pages.  You may also like to register to attend some of the research training workshops that focus on research design and research methods.

Your supervisors will be a valuable source of advice and information while you design your research, so ensure that you’re meeting with them regularly to discuss your research design and plans for data collection and analysis.

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