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Research travel

During your research journey you may identify opportunities to travel interstate or overseas to attend conferences, for data collection or field work or to collaborate with other researchers. Such opportunities may enhance your research, further develop your skills and expand your career prospects.

If you plan to travel as a Higher Degree by Research candidate and your travel will involve any research activity, you must first seek approval via the Student Travel Approval Form (see ECU Travel webpage), regardless of who is booking or paying for the travel. This applies to both domestic and international travel, including travel to your home country. If your travel is not related to your research (i.e. during personal leave), the normal leave process applies. Candidates must also consider the implication of travel on research risk and ethics, insurance and liability, enrolment and visa, and health or travel insurance requirements.  Refer to the ECU Travel web page for more information and to access the Student Travel Approval Form.

Typically, Milestone 2: Research Proposal would have been formally approved before seeking approval for research-related travel.

Research travel opportunities

Please note there are no centrally managed research student travel grants. You may like to enquire with your school about using your research student support funds for any travel related to your research.

Other travel opportunities

The scheme aims to foster research collaboration of the highest quality between Australian researchers from participating Australian universities and German researchers from German universities and research institutes. The scheme will support exchanges for Australian researchers to spend time at partner institutions in Germany and for collaborating German researchers to spend time at participating Australian universities.

Applicants must be Australian citizens or hold permanent residence status in Australia and be employed as an academic staff member or be an enrolled PhD who are part of a research project application submitted by an eligible staff member.

Further information and the application pack are available on the Universities Australia website.

These grants provide an opportunity to carry out a research project at a German higher education institution or non-university research institute for a period between 1 and 10 months. The project can be completed as part of a doctoral enrolment at an Australian institution with the primary goal of supporting the applicant’s PhD thesis.

Applications close on September 30 and March 31 depending on the intended period of travel.

For more information visit the German Academic Exchange Service research grant website.

Scholarships for special programs are offered to take short-term fellowships at a participating institution in Mexico. The grants are open in the following categories: Visiting Professors, Researchers in Mexico's issues, Media Contributors, Art Production Fellowships, Improving the Quality of Mexican Secondary and Higher Education Institutions and High-level Conferences.

For more information visit the Call of Scholarships of the Mexican Government for Foreigners website.

The Ian Ballard Travel Awards are intended to enable recipients to undertake an international travel tour with the aim of extending and collaborating on their multiple sclerosis (MS) research specialty. This award is specifically for MS researchers. Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of Australia and New Zealand. Funding value is up to $25,000 for one year.

For more information visit the MS Research Australia Ian Ballard Travel Award web page.

Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Australian citizens to engage in 8 - 10 months of research relevant to an Australian PhD; or undertake an approved course of study in an American higher degree. These scholarships are aimed at current PhD students, honours students, or honours graduates who are considering postgraduate study in the U.S.

For more information visit the Australia-American Fulbright Commission website.

We award travelling fellowships for the exchange of scientific ideas, to promote Australian scientific capabilities internationally, and facilitate access to international research programs.

For more information visit the Australian Academy of Science Awards and opportunities web page.

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