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ECU Travel

ECU's travel management solution, in partnership with FCM Travel is the FCM Platform.

The FCM Platform offers an improved and streamlined traveller experience with its integrated pre-trip approval and online booking tools.

Please note:


Six Steps to Travel

The Finance and Business Services Centre manages the Authorised University Travel Policy, the 'Six Steps to Travel', the relationships with ECU’s travel service providers and supports the FCM Platform.

1. Planning for Travel

As part of the planning process, it’s important to evaluate each trip to ensure it is essential and contributes to the University’s strategic objectives.

It is also important for travellers to plan for and be aware of health, safety, security and cyber related concerns in the region(s) they will visit as the following may be relevant:

  • Be secure in your accommodation - if you are travelling alone, avoid accommodation where entrances are back streets or isolated locations. If you can't tell from a map, check online reviews from other travellers.
  • COVID-19 public health measures, including vaccination requirements and other restrictions.
  • International risks including travel to certain high-risk countries. Refer International Travel Advice and Travel Risk Management

The conditions for University travel are governed by ECU’s Authorised Travel Policy and the 'Six Steps to Travel'.

If you’re planning ECU business-related travel or book travel on behalf of others, you must ensure you are familiar with travellers' rights and obligations when travelling on behalf of the University.

As part of the pre-trip approval process, you are required to provide an estimate of the total costs associated with the trip, including:

  • Airfares and other forms of transport (ensure to include FCM Service/Booking Fees).
  • Conference Registration
  • Accommodation
  • Meals and other Incidentals, eg phone/internet charges, laundry, visas, vaccinations

Quotes for domestic and simple point-to-point international travel can be obtained directly through the FCM Travel Platform - Online Booking Tool (Savi).

For complex international travel quotes please contact a FCM consultant via

Please note: FCM Travel Service/Booking fees will be charged to the relevant School/Centre. Please take these fees into account when budgeting for your travel.

Prior to departure, it is the traveller’s responsibility to ensure they are prepared for international travel and hold the correct documentation in order to travel to the planned destinations and perform the required business activities.

International travellers should have also considered the security, health and cyber related risks their travel poses to ECU, its staff and students. Advice with regard to the risks international travellers need to consider and proposed actions they should be taking, including how they can obtain ECU Secure Loan devices for travel to certain high-risk countries, is available via International Travel Advice.

For general travel advice including how to minimise your telephone and internet costs whilst travelling click here.

Staff planning student Learning Abroad programs should review the School Led Learning Abroad Guidelines and seek further information  from the Study Tours, Clinical Placements and Practicums Sharepoint prior to making arrangements.

University Credit Cards

Staff who intend to utilise their University Credit Card during international Authorised University Travel must advise the Commonwealth Bank of their expected travel dates and destination countries by calling them on Tel: 13 15 76.


Ensure you hold a current passport with a suitable length of validity. Some destinations require a minimum validity period beyond your planned date of exit. If unsure, you should contact the consulate office of the country you plan to visit.

The maintenance of a passport is considered a personal expense and is not generally claimable from the University.  In exceptional circumstances and with approval from the Executive Dean/Dean/Director, the payment of a passport renewal and any associated FBT may be met by ECU.

Visas/Immigration Requirements

Some international destinations require a visa suitable for the purpose of the business travel. Advice and applications are available through the FCM Travel Platform - CIBTVisas. Visas are acceptable travel expenditure if required as part of business travel.

Note: Be aware of overseas immigration requirements. It is essential that each staff member becomes familiar with the immigration/visa requirements for each country being visited (the University’s Travel Agent can assist with this). Some countries require a professional or business visa for anyone who is teaching or lecturing in that country. Entry into such a country with only a social or tourist visa may cause staff to be detained.


Make a copy of your passport details, airline tickets, personal insurance policy (if required), visas and credit card numbers in the event they are lost or stolen and leave with your nominated point of contact.


Travelling to certain countries or parts of Australia may put you at greater risk of acquiring a vaccine-preventable medical condition. Some countries will require proof of vaccination against specific diseases as a condition of entry. You can check a country's vaccination requirements for your destination and transit countries through Smartraveller.

Immunisation Guidelines are available from the People and Culture website.

For further information on travel immunisation requirements it is recommended that you vist the Travel Doctor, or a GP.

Immunisation should be paid for on a University Corporate Credit Card (the costs being allocated to their School/Centre).

Risk Management

It is important for travellers to plan for and to be aware of health, safety and security concerns in the region(s) they will visit.

Work Health and Safety considerations extend to travel being undertaken on behalf of ECU. Travellers should consider if a Fieldtrip, Event or Travel risk assessment may also be required. Please refer to the flowchart for guidance.

Student Learning Abroad programs (study tours, clinical placements, work integrated learning, student exchange, etc.) must go through a formal approval process, including risk assessment, before making travel arrangements.

Please refer to the University's Travel Risk Management website for further information.


The University provides insurance policies for all staff and students travelling on authorised Edith Cowan University business, irrespective of whether the Authorised University Travel is fully or partly funded (i.e. sponsored) by the University or a third party.

Any travel undertaken on behalf of the University must be authorised prior to the travel being undertaken otherwise travel insurance will not apply to the trip.

Please refer to the University's Insurance website or email

Note: ECU reserves the right to withdraw travel approval if the DFAT advice level changes due to adverse situations (such as natural disaster, military conflict, terrorism, virus outbreak, etc.) and it is required that you leave the location. If you do not follow DFAT advice to leave the location, insurance cover will cease, and approval will be retracted.

The University requires a Travel Diary to be completed by staff for all business travel, for the entire travel period (including any personal travel), in order to determine whether Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is applicable for dual purpose travel as well as to support the University’s duty of care obligations to authorised University travellers. It is important to:

  • Accurately record all activities in the Travel Diary which is submitted as part of the Pre-Trip Approval (PTA).
  • The 'Location' within the Travel Diary must = City-Country.
  • If there is a part-day activity, the times (e.g. 10:00 to 12:00 noon) it must be detailed in the ‘Description’. If no times are shown, you are declaring that the activity is a full-day activity.
  • Any details included in the "Description" should be an activity that could be easily understood by anyone reviewing the diary (e.g an auditor). Please avoid the use of Acronyms and technical/university-specific terms.

Business Days whilst Travelling on University Business

As a guide, business activity should exceed three hours on a particular day, including travel, in order for it to be considered a BUSINESS DAY. This includes:

  • Attending business meetings, undertaking approved research, preparing for and/or attending a business-related conference, workshop, forum or similar
  • Working from office or hotel with prior approval from the relevant Line Manager;
  • Office study/work days whilst on sabbatical/study leave;
  • Unavoidable delays between business activities including weekends or public holidays falling between two business activities either side. Travellers should look to minimise unavoidable delays where possible; and
  • Transit days when travelling to or from a business destination.

However, this doesn’t apply to instances where staff extend their travel beyond the dates that the business related activity commences or concludes, e.g. once business matters are finalised, staff will return at the earliest opportunity or use personal leave (whilst being mindful of FBT obligations) to extend their stay, noting it as ‘Private Travel’ in the Pre-Trip Approval system. Travellers should look to minimise lapse days between more than one work related activity. Lapse days are defined as days in between more than one work related activity where no University Business is undertaken.

Recovery time, in line with the below guidelines, will also be considered a BUSINESS DAY:

  • Prior to departure, and as part of the approval process, travel days, times, distances, time zones and stopovers will be considered by the traveller and the relevant Line Manager to assess whether there is a need for recovery time.
  • Recovery time for international long haul flights (in excess of eight hours), must be approved in advance and taken immediately after arrival at the destination.
  • Typically, recovery time would be up to a maximum of one business day.
  • Recovery time will not normally be approved for domestic or short haul international flights less than eight hours) within Oceania and Asia.

Private Days whilst Travelling on University Business

A “PRIVATE DAY” is defined as any day not considered a business day, and specifically includes:

  • University holidays or extended public holidays (e.g. Limited Services Period, Easter, Christmas);
  • Time assigned for personal/private purposes including recreation leave and other types of leave. This must be booked via the Staff Kiosk or Leave Application Form;
  • Weekends or public holidays not falling between two business activities either side;
  • Transit days when travelling to or from locations for private purposes;
  • The non-workdays of part-time, casual, and sessional staff;
  • Sabbatical days not spent undertaking formal study/work;
  • Days prior to, or subsequent to, business activities where it was reasonably practicable for an employee to return home (excluding reasonable transit and recovery days); and
  • Time in Lieu of Travel - which is a period of time negotiated between the employee and their Line Manager in recognition of time spent travelling which encroaches on an employee’s private/personal time.
    • If an employee uses personal time whilst travelling, the employee, subject to approval, could be eligible for time in lieu of travel.
    • Time in lieu of travel taken during Authorised University Travel will be classed as a PRIVATE DAY unless an agreed period of work (including travel time) is performed during a time in lieu travel day.
    • Where time in lieu of travel is approved during the travel period, the traveller should consider the Maximum Private Days Allowable (i.e. no more than 40% of the total trip duration), to ensure the trip is not classified as dual purpose. (Refer to below on 'Private Travel and FBT Obligations').
    • Time in Lieu of travel can also be taken upon the traveller’s return from Authorised University Travel, subject to approval from the relevant Line Manager.

Personal travel may be permitted in conjunction with official domestic or international travel provided the main or predominant purpose of the travel is properly documented as being legitimate University business, the private element of the trip is incidental, and the University is not funding any part of the private component.

For the purposes of travel at ECU, private travel is considered incidental if the private days do not exceed 40% of the Total Trip Duration (Maximum Private Days Allowable). For example, Maximum Private Days Allowable for a trip beginning Monday and ending Sunday, would be two days without being subject to FBT.

Where employees include private travel that exceeds the Maximum Private Days Allowable, the travel will be deemed to have a dual purpose being business and private.

Travel directly to, or returning from a "non-business destination" indicates dual purpose travel and any request to do so in connection with Authorised University Travel will be considered on a case by case basis. A non-business destination, is a destination solely for the purpose of private travel.

The liability of all costs related to any PRIVATE DAYS within Authorised University Travel rests solely with the employee. This excludes unavoidable and approved 'stand by' days such as weekends that fall between any business-related travel. If travel includes Private days on an otherwise normal working day, Annual or other forms of leave must be booked through the Staff Kiosk.

Dual Purpose Travel / FBT Liability

Employees will be required to pay 50%  of the cost of a return airfare* (where an employee incurs an airline merchant fee for using their personal credit card, this will be in addition to the 50% cost) to the “business destination” if the travel is deemed to have a dual purpose, whether the travel is determined as having a dual purpose prior to or following the trip.

*Definition of Return Airfare - is a flight to a destination and back to the original departure point.

Any pre-trip approval requests that indicate FBT is payable will be automatically sent to the University's Travel Agent to process the 50% personal contribution by the employee.

If travel is deemed to be dual purpose following completion of a trip, and where the University has paid 100% of the return airfare to the business destination, the employee acknowledges that the University has advanced them the amount of their private portion as an agent of the employee and the employee must reimburse the university immediately for 50% of the cost of the return airfare* to mitigate FBT implications. FBSC Travel will contact employee with payment to be facilitated by PayOnline.

Under no circumstances will the University approve extended payment terms for the employee to pay their 50% share, since this will be deemed to be a financing benefit and subject to FBT.

Note that, if a third party pays the airfare for Authorised University Travel, the University is still liable for FBT and the above conditions apply in relation to the employee’s responsibility to pay the University 50% of the cost of the return ticket to the business destination.

Spouse/Partner and Dependant Travel

Employees must notify their Manager when a spouse, partner or dependant is to accompany them on an official business trip.  Details are to be provided in the Pre Trip Approval (PTA) request. Costs incurred by the accompanying spouse/partner/dependant will not be met by the University.

ECU Travel

2.  Approval for Travel

Approval to undertake Authorised University Travel and travel-related expenditure must be obtained in advance.

A Pre-Trip Approval (PTA) or Manual authorisation is not required in the following circumstances:

  • Short trips (e.g. within the metropolitan area) or day trips even if they are greater than 50 kms from departure point (e.g. between Perth and Bunbury) where meals are the only third party expense; and
  • International students who are sponsored by the Australian Government when returning to their home country.

Note: ECU reserves the right to withdraw travel approval if the DFAT advice level changes due to adverse situations (such as natural disaster, military conflict, terrorism, virus outbreak, etc.) and it is required that you leave the location. If you do not follow DFAT advice to leave the location, insurance cover will cease, and approval will be retracted.

The online Pre Trip Approval tool (PTA) via the FCM Travel Platform is the method by which ECU staff and guests obtain approval to undertake business travel on behalf of the University.

The PTA is intended to provide the approver with an estimate of the travel, where it's funded, and the travel arrangement, to assist in the decision-making process.

Approval still needs to be sought for flights/accommodation/car hire, even if a third party is paying for any of the travel components or when an ECU vehicle or student accommodation is used. Please include all components in your Pre-Trip Approval (PTA).

For assistance please refer to the user guides and training videos available in the FCM Travel Platform.

Retrospective Approvals

In the event approval has not been sought for travel prior to booking/departure (note this is out of Policy and there are insurance coverage implications), a retrospective trip approval must be sought via the ‘Other’ option in PTA and a completed Travel Diary spreadsheet must be attached. Travellers to include information in the ‘Reason’ for travel as to why no approval was sought before the travel was booked/undertaken.

Student Travel

The ECU Student Travel Approval Form is the method by which ECU students obtain approval to undertake course-related travel. Students complete the form and submit it to the relevant School/Centre for processing.

Staff planning student Learning Abroad programs should review the Outbound Learning Abroad Governance Guidelines and liaise with the International Office for program approval. The program approval must first be in place before individual student travel is authorised.

The ECU Student Travel  Study Abroad Form is to be used to approve travel for ECU students who are travelling to participate in a study experience (Student Exchange, Study Tour, International Placement, etc).

Where appropriate, the online Pre-Trip Approval tool (PTA) via the FCM Travel Platform may be used to obtain approval for students to undertake travel. The approval process must managed by a School/Centre staff member on behalf of the traveller.

The Student Travel Approval Form or PTA is intended to provide the approver with an estimate of the travel, where it's funded, and the travel arrangement, to assist in the decision-making process.

Note for Travel Arrangers: Should the students ‘Supervisor/Research Supervisor’ not be selectable as the Level 1 approver in the PTA request, please upload a copy of their approval to the PTA as a supporting document, then select the Executive Dean/Dean or Director as both the Level 1 and Level 2 approver.

ECU Travel

3. Booking Travel

FCM Travel is the University’s preferred supplier for travel management services. The use of a travel management company (TMC) assists the University in meeting its duty of care obligations by providing a single source of traveller tracking in case of emergency.

Personal travel for family must be booked directly with TMC Consultants or Leisure section.

Booking fees charged by the TMC are paid by the relevant School/Centre at the time of booking. Refer Service Fees.

All travellers require a traveller profile in the FCM Travel Platform before any quotes or bookings can be requested. These are automatically created for all ongoing and fixed term staff through integration with ECU’s Payroll system. Upon first accessing the FCM Travel Hub, travellers will be prompted to add in their personal details, credit card, passport information etc.

For casual staff, contact to request they add the travel code to their record. Their traveller profile will then be created in the FCM Travel Hub in the next daily HR feed.

Traveller profiles for guests and students are to be created manually by a Travel Arranger in the FCM Travel Platform. The Employee ID convention for guests should be the traveller’s mobile number. For children, use a parent’s mobile number with the child’s initials. This field must be unique for each profile.

The University's Travel Agent must be notified of any changes to Traveller Profiles either by updating the FCM Travel Platform or, where that is not possible, in writing to the Travel Agent.

Important Note: The First, Middle and Last name entered into a traveller's profile MUST match the name on their passport.

Travel Arrangers

  • If a School/Centre Officer requires access as a travel arranger they can self-assign themselves to a traveller directly in the FCM Travel Hub. The traveller will receive an email notification. There is a limit of 10 Travel Arrangers that can be assigned to a traveller.
  • Staff can only see the First Name, Last Name, Email and Employee ID and Job Title of a traveller before they assign themselves to a traveller’s profile.
  • If a staff member requires access as a Travel Arrangers for the first time contact to have access provided.


  • Some/most airlines do not currently offer gender neutral titles as an option, therefore male/female are the only gender options available in a traveller profile at this time.
  • Profiles may include personal information which will only be used for the purposes of making travel enquiries, reservations and providing related travel services.  Personal information will be disclosed to other travel service providers (including but not limited to airlines, hotels and car rental companies), computer reservation systems, global distribution companies, affiliates of the Travel Agent and other third parties (including but not limited to debt collectors, emergency services and auditors), both in Australia and overseas.

The preferred method of booking domestic and simple point to point international travel is through the FCM Travel Platform - Online Booking Tool (Savi). This secures the booking for you instantly.

Once a Pre-Trip Approval (PTA) request has been approved, open the approved PTA and either click ‘Book Online’ or ‘Send to FCM’. ‘Book Online’ takes you through to Savi to book the travel yourself and pre-populates the data already input into the PTA, or ‘Send to FCM’ sends the approved PTA to the FCM Consultants who will contact you to finalise the booking.

The only method of booking complex international travel is offline, i.e. consultant assisted. Please use the “Send to FCM” button in the Pre-Trip Approval (PTA) request or contact a consultant by phone or email.

If your PTA incorporates both University Business Travel as well as a personal/leisure component, the following process applies:

See FCM Platform Guide for further assistance.

Note: FCM Service fees apply to all bookings.

Group Travel

FCM can help with flights, accommodation, tours and transport for groups through their dedicated Group Travel Team. Contact the FCM group travel experts via when:

  • 10+ people are on the same flight or there are 25+ people going to the same destination
  • 30+ days in advance of travel start date
  • Payment must be via ECU credit card – no individual payments available

Note: Approvals need to be in place prior to any bookings being made and there is no need for each traveller to have a traveller profile as group bookings are handled differently.

Seat Selection

Online flight bookings: seat selection and additional service requests can be made by the traveller via SAVI or FCM app or by using the 'manage booking' function on the applicable airline's website. The airline reference needed to manage the booking can be found on the traveller's FCM itinerary.

Offline flight bookings: please ensure that you alert your FCM consultant to seat selection preferences and any other service/ special requests at time of ticketing. Alternatively, you can add the requests to your pre-trip approval form comments prior to submitting your request for approval.

An additional note: for flight seat selection and other service requests, these can only be requested if there is one airline booked and the flight is operated and ticketed by the same airline. Codeshare flights or bookings where two different airlines have been booked in the same booking may result in airlines not being able to facilitate requests and these will need to be requested at the airport but are not guaranteed

Travellers on Authorised University Business must book traditional accommodation (registered hotels) via the University's Travel Agent, either via the FCM Travel Platform or through the consultant.

However, Travellers are permitted to book accommodation directly with:

  • Registered hotels, in instances where Conference rates are available and cannot be obtained through the University's Travel Agent; and
  • Airbnb, provided travellers take all appropriate measures to ensure their safety and assist the University in exercising its duty of care by following the associated guidelines (see below).

The University's Travel Agent must be advised of all registered hotel, Airbnb and bookings so that details can be included in the itinerary and, therefore, visible through their live traveller tracking system in case of emergency.

When booking your accommodation - consider safety of the location booked, avoid accommodation where entrances are in back streets or isolated locations. If you can't tell from a map, check online reviews from other travellers.


  • The University's Travel Agent is unable to book accommodation via Airbnb on a Traveller's behalf.
  • Review the refund/cancellation policies before committing to a property.
  • Link your ECU email address to your personal Airbnb profile and mark bookings as a “business trip”.
  • Payment is to be made via a University Credit Card.
  • Select self-contained accommodation rather than shared accommodation.
  • Only book with a “verified” host who has documented positive reviews on the Airbnb website.
  • Do not book Airbnb accommodation in locations rated either “reconsider your need for travel” or “do not travel” by DFAT.
  • Include all Airbnb information in your travel approval request.
  • Familiarise yourself with applicable State and Local Laws prior to using Airbnb, as Airbnb may be illegal in some locations.
  • The traveller accepts all responsibility for personal risk and safety , and it is expected that travellers have carried out appropriate due diligence before departure and on arrival, to ensure the standard of accommodation meets their needs, has high ratings (customer reviews), is safe, and is conducive to conducting university business.

  • Travellers must include all information in their travel approval request.
  • All bookings with must be made through the University's Travel Agent and are pay direct only, meaning travellers must pay the accommodation provider directly.
  • Should a traveller be checking into 'apartment' style accommodation after hours or on a weekend, please contact FCM Travel prior to the commencement of your travel for the access 'pin code' (if it hasn't already been emailed to you).

4. Paying for Travel

Staff travelling on behalf of the University are expected to obtain and utilise a University credit card to pay for travel and travel-related expenses.  Other payment options are available where applicable.

Split payments across numerous University credit cards is against Policy so please ensure the transaction and daily limit of the corporate credit card is enough to cover the full cost of travel.

If you do not hold a University Credit Card, you can either:

In exceptional circumstances, consideration will be given to the use of advances up to the value of AU$500, subject to Executive Dean/Dean/Director approval, to meet the cost of travel-related expenditure. Any greater amount must be justified by the employee and approved by the Executive Dean/Dean/Director.

Forward approved Application for Advance Form to Accounts Payable or relevant Academic Unit Finance Team in advance of scheduled payment runs (see Month-end and Year-end Financial Process timelines within the Financial Services Procedures).

If a non-employee requires an advance from the University, the Application for Advance Form must be supported by an approved Exemption from Policies form . The coordinating staff member should complete the request on behalf of the non-employee.

For Research-related international travel, an employee can elect to receive a per diem allowance for meals and other sustenance (e.g. snacks, coffees) and minor incidental expenses (e.g. taxis) under the following conditions:

  • The duration of the travel is between 21 and 90 days.
    • For travel periods longer than 90 days, please contact the University Tax Team to discuss Living Away from Home Allowance (LAFHA) ATO guidelines and tax implications.
  • The per diem is requested prior to undertaking the travel and approved by the relevant financial delegate.
  • You must notify Payroll Services immediately should travel plans change from what was included on the Application Form (e.g. travel cancelled or returned earlier than planned).
  • The per diem can apply to weekends, public holidays, and other "standby" days as long as they relate to the business portion of the trip.
  • There is no further requirement for you to submit any receipts or invoices for expenses covered by the per diem allowance.
  • You are not permitted to charge any expenses that are covered by the per diem allowance to a University credit card or claim any further reimbursement for meals and/or incidentals.
  • First/Last Day of Travel: On the first and last day of travel, you can only claim the rates that apply to meals as outlined below.

Day of Arrival at Destination (local times)

Arrival before 10amFull Daily Per Diem available
Arrival between 10am - 3pmLunch and Dinner Per Diem only available
Arrival after 3pmDinner Per Diem only available

Day of Departure from Destination (local times)

Departure Before 10amBreakfast Per Diem only available
Departure between 10am - 3pmBreakfast and Lunch Per Diem only available
Departure after 3pmFull Daily Per Diem available

The incidentals amount applies in full to each day of travel covered by the allowance.

  • Other conditions relating to Per Diem payments are included in the Application Form, e.g. per diem rates for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.

The per diem allowance is not available:

  • where the employee has personally opted to stay additional days for non-business reasons (e.g. days of annual leave); and
  • for the cost of accommodation (which is to be paid on a University credit card through the University’s preferred supplier).

Personal Taxation Issues

Per diem allowances are not included on the employee’s Payment Summary (or equivalent ATO reporting), no tax will be withheld.

5. While Travelling

Staff travelling on behalf of the University should be aware of Emergency Assistance options, be mindful of travel expenses, and ensure copies of Tax invoices are obtained for all travel expenditure.

Download the FCM Mobile App (with White FCM Logo) which you can use for itinerary management and travel alerts.

If you experience an emergency of any kind while travelling – either involving you or students you are supervising, please contact AIG TravelGuard. They can provide support as required, regardless of the situation.

Refer to Travel Risk Management website for more information regarding:

  • Travel Risk Management
  • International Safety Security
  • Emergency Response Planning

Travellers can also contact the FCM After Hours Team via +61 08 6466 5036  in emergency situations only.

Accommodation, sustenance meals and incidental expenditure should be in line with the reasonable amounts published annually by the Australian Taxation Office. Refer to the link to the ATO Reasonable Travel Expenditure Rates available from the Financial Services website.  Please note that the limits for meals apply on a per-meal basis, and for the purposes of international travel the applicable daily rate is apportioned as follows:

  • Breakfast 25%
  • Lunch 25%
  • Dinner 50%

Unreasonable or excessive expenditure of University funds on alcohol while on Authorised University Travel is deemed inappropriate and treated as entertainment expenditure subject to FBT.

Entertainment of Guests

For the entertainment of guests whilst travelling on University business refer to the University’s Entertainment and Catering Expenditure Guidelines.

Telephone and Internet Usage

Business calls and internet usage are acceptable travel expenses.  Whilst away from home, personal calls to home whilst conducting business interstate or overseas are acceptable, as long as they are kept to a reasonable amount.  Refer to DCS Mobile Phones sharepoint site for information on how to minimise phone costs while overseas.

Excess Baggage

Business travel that necessitates the cartage of ECU materials and leads to an excess baggage fee will be covered.

Laundry Service

Reasonable laundry expenses will be considered for reimbursement if travelling on business for more than four nights.

Invoices and Receipts - An original tax invoice / receipt must be obtained for all travel-related expenditure. Where a tax invoice/invoice or receipt cannot be obtained, a Statutory Declaration must be provided.

Travellers are authorised to use ground transport (Taxis, Uber and rental cars) in addition to public transport, i.e. buses and trains. Refer to Ground Transportation web page for more information.

6. Returning from Travel

When returning from travel ECU staff must ensure their Travel Diary accurately reflects their exact activities for each day of their trip as well as reconcile relevant credit card expenses.

Upon return from Authorised University Travel, it is the travellers responsibility to ensure the Travel Diary in their Pre-Trip Approval (PTA) reflects exact activities and must include ALL travel days from the date of departure to the date of return.  It must also identify any personal travel included within the trip. This must be handled in a timely manner, within 14 days of completion of the trip.

If dates of travel and/or activities have changed, please edit the Travel Diary in your PTA.

If dates of travel have changed once a PTA has reached the ‘actioned’ status but is prior to the departure date, a new PTA including the updated Travel Diary will need to be submitted and approved.

Monitoring will be carried out by the FBSC Travel to ensure compliance and the FBSC Tax Team may also undertake spot-checks from time to time.

All Travel expenses are reconciled via Expense8.

For more information see ECU Credit Cards.

Where no University credit card is available, only bona fide claims for travel-related expenses will be reimbursed. Refer to Reimbursement Guidelines.

All advances, withdrawal of cash via credit card and claims for cash reimbursement must be reconciled/submitted within 14 days of the last day of travel accompanied by approval from the delegated financial authority. Any claims that do not reference a travel approval request (PTA) number must be submitted along with a copy of the relevant Travel Approval.

Advise Payroll of any changes to what was included in your Application for Per Diem Payments (e.g. travel cancelled or returned earlier than planned)?

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