Personal travel may be permitted in conjunction with official domestic or international travel provided the main or predominant purpose of the travel is properly documented as being legitimate University business, the private element of the trip is incidental, and the University is not funding any part of the private component.
For the purposes of travel at ECU, private travel is considered incidental if the private days do not exceed 40% of the Total Trip Duration (Maximum Private Days Allowable). For example, Maximum Private Days Allowable for a trip beginning Monday and ending Sunday, would be two days without being subject to FBT.
Where employees include private travel that exceeds the Maximum Private Days Allowable, the travel will be deemed to have a dual purpose being business and private.
Travel directly to, or returning from a "non-business destination" indicates dual purpose travel and any request to do so in connection with Authorised University Travel will be considered on a case by case basis. A non-business destination, is a destination solely for the purpose of private travel.
The liability of all costs related to any PRIVATE DAYS within Authorised University Travel rests solely with the employee. This excludes unavoidable and approved 'stand by' days such as weekends that fall between any business-related travel. If travel includes Private days on an otherwise normal working day, Annual or other forms of leave must be booked through the Staff Kiosk.
Dual Purpose Travel / FBT Liability
Employees will be required to pay 50% of the cost of a return airfare* (where an employee incurs an airline merchant fee for using their personal credit card, this will be in addition to the 50% cost) to the “business destination” if the travel is deemed to have a dual purpose, whether the travel is determined as having a dual purpose prior to or following the trip.
*Definition of Return Airfare - is a flight to a destination and back to the original departure point.
Any pre-trip approval requests that indicate FBT is payable will be automatically sent to the University's Travel Agent to process the 50% personal contribution by the employee.
If travel is deemed to be dual purpose following completion of a trip, and where the University has paid 100% of the return airfare to the business destination, the employee acknowledges that the University has advanced them the amount of their private portion as an agent of the employee and the employee must reimburse the university immediately for 50% of the cost of the return airfare* to mitigate FBT implications. FBSC Travel will contact employee with payment to be facilitated by PayOnline.
Under no circumstances will the University approve extended payment terms for the employee to pay their 50% share, since this will be deemed to be a financing benefit and subject to FBT.
Note that, if a third party pays the airfare for Authorised University Travel, the University is still liable for FBT and the above conditions apply in relation to the employee’s responsibility to pay the University 50% of the cost of the return ticket to the business destination.
Spouse/Partner and Dependant Travel
Employees must notify their Manager when a spouse, partner or dependant is to accompany them on an official business trip. Details are to be provided in the Pre Trip Approval (PTA) request. Costs incurred by the accompanying spouse/partner/dependant will not be met by the University.