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Health and Safety Inductions and Training

Health and Safety Training

Workers and Higher Degree Researchers may require health and safety training and licensing specific to the work activities they conduct or a legislative role they hold at ECU. The Health and Safety Training Guideline outlines the requirements for identifying health and safety training, licensing and competency requirements.

The Health and Safety Training Needs Analysis template may be used to identify and document work, health and safety training and licensing requirements and should be discussed with individual workers as part of the MPS review process.

There are a number of modules to provide you with an understanding of Work Health and Safety Risk Management at ECU.

Work Health and Safety Hazard Risk Management

Visit the Staff LMS for this 30 minute online session to gain a basic understanding of the importance of risk management in preventing and controlling hazards in the workplace and how to identify and participate in the key steps in the risk management process.

At the end of the module you will be asked to undertake an online assessment to check your understanding of the key concepts presented.

How to perform a Hazard Risk Assessment in Riskware

This 5 module program steps you through the process of completing a Hazard Risk Assessment in Riskware, ECU’s Risk Management Software. Click on the links below to access each module in Panopto:

STEP 1 - Establish the context and scope of the work to be undertaken

STEP 2 - Identifying the tasks within each activity, potential hazards involved, and the risk factors (currently being edited, step 2 will be re-uploaded soon).

STEP 3 - Introduction to WHS Risk Assessment in Riskware and identifying existing controls in place

STEP 4 - Assessing the level of risk, using the Risk Matrix in Riskware and determining if any additional controls should be proposed

STEP 5 - Hazard Risk Assessment Peer Review and Final Approval

Each session runs from between 5-15 minutes and is supported by a range of Information sheets for the WHS Risk Register in Riskware.

Health and Safety Inductions

Workers based on campus are required to complete a Health and Safety Induction at commencement and every two years to refresh their knowledge. An Emergency Evacuation and Training module is also to be completed at the commencement and then every two years after. You can register for these inductions via the Staff LMS course catalogue using the links below:

Health and Safety Induction

Emergency Evacuation and Training

Workers who are who are employed at ECU on a short term casual basis are able to undertake a shorter tailored induction program and will be automatically enrolled on each course as part of the onboarding process or can register via the course catalogue in the Staff LMS.

Higher Degree Researchers (including Doctoral (PhDs) and Masters by Research (MSc) students) may required to complete the Health and Safety Worker Induction. Currently, this can only be completed via the Staff LMS if the Student has an access only Staff Account created. These courses are currently in the process of being added to CANVA for access via student accounts. If based on campus, the Emergency and Evacuation Training must also be completed.

Students should be provided with relevant safety information at the beginning of each semester or as required. Please refer students to the student safety information induction.

Contractors, Consultants and Visitors must complete a Campus Access Induction.

For more information on the induction types please see Induction Requirements page in the 'See Also' section.

Staff who perform manual tasks as part of their work should complete training on how to perform these tasks safely.

The Work Health and Safety team has developed a short online training course for Staff to provide an overview of safe manual handling and ergonomic practices. Please contact for further information on how to register.

For further information on managing manual tasks please refer to the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety.

Please refer to the First Aid Section on our Emergency Management Page for information regarding First Aid Training.

Work Health and Safety for Leaders

Managers and Supervisors with line management responsibility for one or more staff members and Supervisors who Supervise Higher Degree Research Supervisors are required to complete the Work Health and Safety for Leaders course and refresh this training every 3 years.  It is also highly recommended that workers who lead fieldtrips or study tours or who aspire to undertake a leadership role complete this training.

The training is available for registration for Managers through the Staff LMS under "My Learning". It consist of two components

  • ML099 Work Health and Safety for Leaders Online This also forms the 3 year refresher component of this training.
  • ML100 Work Health and Safety for Leaders Part 2 (Workshop).  This is a one hour face to face workshop and is only required to be completed once.

If you are a leader and the training does not appear in your Staff LMS under My Learning, please contact

Work Health and Safety Representatives

The Health and Safety Representative training at ECU is conducted by Training Services Australia (TSA). Course enrolment registration is available on their website under the “Joondalup (ECU)” location.

Please note that TSA Mt Lawley courses are not run through ECU and full price will be charged to your school/centre for your attendance.

Newly appointed Health and Safety Representatives are required to attend an initial five-day training course. The five-day courses can be split over two separate course sessions, allowing you to attend three days in the first course, and the final two days in a second course. To split your training over two courses please contact Training Services Australia once you have completed your enrolment. Enrol to attend the five-day training course via the link below:

Health and Safety Representative training course registration

Health and Safety Representative refresher training should be completed every three years. The refresher course is a one-day training session that can be accessed via the link below, please select from the ECU Joondalup location listings:

Health and Safety Representative refresher training course registration

View the ECU Joondalup training schedule under the downloads of this page.

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