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Communication and Consultation

In keeping with ECU's commitment to maintaining healthy and safe workplaces, committees have been established and elected representatives appointed to oversee and review policy and procedures across the University.

Work Health and Safety Committees

ECU's Work, Health and Safety Committees facilitate consultation, communication and the implementation of work, health and safety strategic policy aims and objectives.

The committee structure consists of two levels:

  1. University Health & Safety Committee;
  2. Local Work Health and Safety Committees

Please refer to the University WHS Consultative Committee Structure and University WHS Consultative Committee Procedure for further details of the current structure, terms of reference and operating procedures for these committees.

Elected Health & Safety representatives

All Schools and Service Centres have qualified elected Health and Safety Representatives to assist in the management of work health and safety in their work area.

Health and Safety Representatives are required to attend an initial five-day training course once elected into the role. The five-day courses can be split over two separate course sessions, allowing you to attend three days in the first course, and the final two days in a second course. Details of the courses available on ECU campus through the preferred training provider Training Services Australia (TSA) are provided below:

Health and Safety Representative refresher training should be completed every three years. The refresher course is a one-day training session that can be accessed via the link below, please select from the ECU Joondalup location listings:

Please note that TSA Mt Lawley courses are not run through ECU and costs would be incurred to your school/centre for your attendance.

To split your training over two courses please contact Training Services Australia directly.

Elected Health and Safety Representatives are charged with specific functions set out in s68 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA). To familiarise yourself with these functions and for more information about Health and Safety Representative processes (including training), download the ECU Health and Safety Representatives Handbook below, or visit the WorkSafe Western Australia website.

Due Diligence

The obligation prescribed under s27 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WA) of the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) is to demonstrate due diligence, that is, taking so far as is reasonably practicable positive action for the provision of a safe and healthy workplace for all workers.

ECU has a developed a SharePoint page of resources for Officers to assist them in discharging their Due Diligence obligations, including a Due Diligence Checklist and Action Plan.


Staff are required to complete a Work Health and Safety Induction and an Emergency Evacuation and Training module at commencement of employment as well as every two years to refresh their knowledge.

Work Health and Safety Induction Webpage

Additional support

For further advice and support, contact:

Work Health and Safety Team: or 6304 2302

The preferred provider for the Work, Health and Safety Representatives Training Course is Training Services Australia (TSA). You may register for our available courses on campus on their website under "Joondalup (ECU)" below:
Work Health and Safety Representatives Training Course Registration
Please note that TSA Mt Lawley courses are not run through ECU and costs would be incurred to your school/centre for your attendance.

List of University Work Health and Safety Representatives

Information for new Health and Safety Representatives

For further information on ECU processes related to Health and Safety Representatives, please refer to the Health and Safety Representatives Handbook.

For any issues accessing these documents, please contact

Radiation, Biosafety and Hazardous Substances Committee

ECU has established a committee that provides advice and assistance to the University on applying legislation, policy and guidelines that govern radiation, biosafety and hazardous substances. The Radiation, Biosafety and Hazardous Substances Committee (RBHSC) is inclusive of the Institutional Biosafety Committee requirement. The committee is made up of representatives from Schools and Service Centre's including specialists from a variety of disciplines such as WHS and external persons.

Please follow the link to the Radiation, Biosafety and Hazardous Substances website for more information about the committee, radiation, biosafety, chemicals including hazardous substances and how they are managed at the University. On this webpage you will also find other information related to these hazardous materials such as, how to make an application to use hazardous materials at the University, standard operating procedures, training and links to useful external and internal websites

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