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Work Health and Safety Reporting

The Work Health and Safety team completes regular reporting to both internal and external bodies in relation to Work Health and Safety performance. Some of this reporting includes:

  • Quality Audit and Risk Committee reports
  • University Executive reports
  • University Work Health and Safety Committee reports
  • Annual report
  • Australian Higher Education Industrial Association (AHEIA) reports
  • Quarterly Performance Indicator Reports

School and Centre Reporting

Schools and Centres are no longer required to complete reporting submissions to the Work Health and Safety team, with Local WHS Commitee dashboards now available. These dashboards allow ECU to monitor performance and compliance with Due Diligence requirements, and should form part of the standard agenda items for each committee.

Committees are also still required to review their Hazard Risk Register annually and complete an improvement plan.

Additional support

For further advice and support, contact:

Work Health and Safety team: or 6304 2302

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