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Work Health and Safety Incident Reporting and Investigation

ECU has a duty of care to maintain a safe and healthy working environment and this includes the requirement to report incidents and conduct investigations.

The Incident Reporting and Investigation Guideline provides overviews of our Work, Health and Safety incident reporting and investigation processes.

The Incident and Hazard module of Riskware is used for reporting both hazards, incidents, completing investigations and action plans. Click here to view information on how to use Riskware.

When do I need to report a Work Health and Safety Incident

We take incidents in the workplaces seriously and expect these to be reported in a timely manner, after initial response and assistance is provided. The Incident Reporting and Investigation Guideline and supporting documents provide further details of the process for reporting Work, Health and Safety incidents.

Incidents must be reported to your Supervisor as soon as practical and recorded using the Riskware Incident and Hazard Module. In addition to reporting the incident in ECU's online Riskware system, it is the responsibility of the Supervisor to escalate communication of the incident further within the School or Centre.

Should a staff member require medical treatment as a result of a workplace incident, please contact the People and Culture Work Health and Safety (WHS) team on 6304 2302 or as soon as practicable to enable early injury management to commence.

Reporting incidents to WorkSafe and other Regulator Authorities

There are some circumstances where an incident must be reported to a regulatory authority. In most instances this is completed by or coordinated through the WHS team. Ensuring all incidents are reported promptly in Riskware will ensure ECU's regulatory reporting compliance requirements are met.

Work Health and Safety Incident Investigations

It is the responsibility of the involved person's direct line supervisor to investigate Work, Health and Safety incidents in consultation with area Work, Health and Safety representatives and the involved person. For students this may be their Lecturer, for Contractors it is the ECU Responsible Officer. The person responsible for investigating an incident involving a visitor will vary, depending on the purpose of their visit.

The Incident Reporting and Investigation Guideline provides details on the incident investigation process.

Incident investigations are completed within the Incident and Hazard Module of Riskware. Notification that an incident investigation is required to be completed within Riskware will be automatically triggered once an incident report is submitted.

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