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Chairing an Oral Examination Panel

The role of a Panel Chair is to oversee and coordinate the oral examination process.

Prior to the oral examination, the Panel Chair will:

  • read the candidate’s thesis;
  • read the interim examiner reports;
  • devise an agenda for the oral examination based on the proposed questions set by the examiners; and
  • liaise with the GRS Cordinator Research Student Support to determine the arrangements for the oral examination.

During and after the oral examination, the Panel Chair will

  • welcome all parties and provide a brief introduction to the oral examination;
  • allow all parties participating in the oral examination to ask and fully answer questions;
  • ask questions from non-attending examiners;
  • ensure the requirements of the oral examination are followed; and,
  • ensure that a final verbal recommendation is made following the conclusion of the oral examination (where appropriate), and compile a written report which includes any required corrections or revisions before the examiners disband.

Eligibility criteria

A Panel Chair:

  • must be an academic staff member of the University (including adjuncts, emeritus professors, and visiting scholars) at the level of Senior Lecturer or higher;
  • must be nominated by an Associate Dean (Research);
  • must complete professional development training provided by ECU Graduate Research prior to chairing an oral examination;
  • may be from a different discipline, but should be conversant with the methodology used in the candidate’s research, and
  • must not be an examiner or a person appointed as a supervisor to the candidate.

Oral Examination Panel Chairs by School

School of Arts and Humanities

School of Business and Law

School of Education

School of Engineering

School of Medical and Health Sciences

School of Nursing and Midwifery

School of Science


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