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Principal Supervisor Accreditation Program

Principal Supervisor Accreditation Program

ECU is committed to fostering excellence in higher degree by research (HDR) supervision. Staff interested in contributing to an HDR supervision panel in a supervisory role are required to apply for registration as an HDR supervisor. Based on their experience and expertise, individuals will be appointed at an appropriate level of supervision capacity (see Guideline: HDR Supervision). Under ECU policy, the role of principal supervisor is restricted to academics who have had at least one successful HDR completion as an associate supervisor.

ECU offers an alternative pathway for achieving recognition as a Principal Supervisor through the Principal Supervisor Accreditation Program (PSAP). This program is available to supervisors with the appropriate qualifications who contribute to a research program at ECU and currently have an associate supervisor role on an ECU HDR Supervisor Panel.

Participants of PSAP attend group workshops and work individually with a senior mentor. They will develop a reflective portfolio, create and share supervision tools, and deliver a presentation on supervision to a wider university audience.

Who is eligible?

Participants need to:

  • Be on a supervision panel as an associate supervisor
  • Be actively engaged in a research program, per ECU policy (see Guideline: HDR Supervision)
  • Hold a PhD or equivalent qualification
  • Be nominated by their School Associate Dean of Research

What does it involve?

Participants will need support from their School to complete this program, which involves a considerable commitment to:

  • Attend 8 three-hour workshops, held approximately over an 8-month period
  • Identify and meet regularly with a senior supervision mentor
  • Create a reflection portfolio on course material, mentor meetings, and relevant literature for assessment
  • Deliver a short presentation on a key topic of relevance to supervision at the end of the program
  • Develop a supervision tool

Has it been helpful to others?

Participants in previous iterations of PSAP have provided strong positive feedback, reporting increased confidence, better understanding of a broad range of potential HDR related issues, exposure to expert supervisors and mentors, increased awareness and consideration of best practice strategies, opportunities for networking and community building, increased familiarity with ECU policies, processes, resources, and awareness of the wider literature.

What does it cover?

Workshops include presentations, discussion panels, interactive group work, and hypotheticals. Topics covered include recruitment, admissions, relationships and supporting candidates through their HDR program, communication, governance, ethics and research integrity, publication, dealing with challenges and resolution, wellbeing, candidate diversity and inclusivity, candidate professional development, thesis examination processes, ECU policies, processes and resources for HDR, Gen-AI. The emphasis is on reflective, resilient, adaptive, excellence in supervision.

Where relevant, certain content of PSAP workshops will be offered as professional development opportunities to the wider ECU supervisor community, including invited Keynote Speakers.

How to join PSAP

If you are interested in participating in PSAP, please talk to your Associate Dean Research and ask to be nominated for the following year’s program.

For more information, please contact A/Prof Deb Strickland, Graduate Research.

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