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Australian Awards for University Teaching

The AAUT awards have become a valued form of recognition for university educators Australia wide. The AAUT recognise the impact that educators have on the learning and teaching experiences and outcomes of university students. They celebrate and reward programs and practices that support students and enhance learning, and promote excellence in learning and teaching in all aspects of higher education.

ECU Australian Awards for University Teaching Winners 2024

Winners: Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

  • Mrs Georgina Akers for excellence in counselling education through online innovation and humanistic pedagogy, enhancing accessibility and developing accredited, culturally competent practitioners to serve diverse Australian communities.
  • Dr Hugh Davies for pioneering and championing immersive ward-based simulation to build confidence and resilience among students from the health sciences in transitioning to professional practice.
  • Dr Christina Norris for a creative and scholarly approach to the development of resilience and preparedness of preservice teachers to face the real-world challenges of the teaching profession.

Winner: Award for Programs that Enhance Learning

  • ECU’s UniPrep and UniPrep Schools Programs have been recognised for having one of the nation’s largest and most successful enabling programs and as a nationally recognised example of best practice. The team behind the programs including Dr Angela Jones, Dr Fiona Navin, Sharon Gough, Damon Chernoff, Dr Lydia Edwards, Dr Brendan Ritchie, Kristy Stanwix, Dr Tina Moss, Jo Purchase, and Selena Dhondea-Tenakov have been acknowledged for successfully enacting ECU’s commitment to widening access to university education and fostering participation and success for diverse student cohorts.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Please find below the previous recipients of the Australian Awards for University Teaching by year.

ECU Australian Awards for University Teaching Winners 2023

Winners: Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning:

  • Stevie Lane for leadership that enhances the student experience: ensuring visibility of and sustained commitment to underrepresented and minoritised groups in higher education.
  • Dr Julia Collins for inspiring and innovative approaches to teaching mathematics: driving engagement and building confidence and success for students from diverse backgrounds.

Winner: Career Achievement Award

  • Emeritus Professor Denise Chalmers for an outstanding contribution to student learning through her dedication to quality teaching, enhanced practice and innovative research and development, influencing and shaping teaching, learning and assessment in higher education internationally over the last 40 years.

ECU Australian Awards for University Teaching Winners 2022

Winners: Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning:

  • Dr Stephanie Godrich for a highly industry-engaged learning environment that incorporates authentic assessments to effectively engage regional health science students.
  • Dr Jemma Berry for excellence in the development of authentic, next generation curricula to meet the unique learning needs of forensic science students.
  • Dr Stacey Reinke for implementing innovative and research-led approaches to improve data literacy for biology students.
  • Dr Fiona Foxall for exemplary, evidence informed, collaborative whole-of-School leadership that has significantly improved learning outcomes for nursing students.

Programs that Enhance Learning

Inclusion in Action led by Assoc Prof Rowena Harper.  For an outstanding  student  experience  that  delivers  improved  outcomes  for  all,  through ECU’s purposeful, whole-of-institution inclusion program which spans the student lifecycle adopting contemporary and evidence-informed  approaches.

Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

  • Dr Magdalena Wajrak for sustained and innovative implementation of electronic technologies in chemistry classes to enhance students' laboratory experience and prepare them for the digital workforce.
  • Dr Claire Lambert for the sustained development of high impact, industry-based  authentic assessments  to  enhance marketing students’ learning and employability outcomes.
  • Dr Lesley Andrew for sustained commitment to advocacy activities, research, and learning and teaching leadership that highlight and redress inequities facing non-traditional health students in higher education.
  • Dr Olivia Gallagher (Lead for International Student Support Team) for the development and provision of an innovative, tailored program addressing the cultural and specific learning needs of international nursing students to enhance student success.
  • Mrs Jo Lines and Assoc Prof Shelley Beatty for supporting academics from above and from the side: an innovative collaborative approach combining scholarly leadership with practical learning design strategies which positively impact student outcomes.

Programs that Enhance Learning

  • ECU’s Regional Learning Hub led by Miss Elle Banks.  Recognised for establishing unique partnerships with regional innovation centres to create scalable and sustainable processes that widen participation and address the challenges experienced by regional students.

Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

  • Assoc Prof Justin Brown, School of Science WIL team lead, for a comprehensive and tiered approach to Work Integrated Learning in science and computing that creates a unique and transformative student experience.
  • Dr Frances Barbe for cultivating the next generation of artistic leaders in Performing Arts through immersive experiences that weave theory with practice, in an internationalised, inclusive, research-informed curricula.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Award for Teaching Excellence

  • Assoc Prof Denise Jackson for over 10 years, Denise has influenced the design of WIL nationally and internationally by sharing her insights, challenges and practices through conference presentations, features in the media, invited keynotes and 50 journal articles. Denise is internationally recognised for her scholarship on the value and influence of WIL, along with best practice and its associated challenges for developing employability among diverse student cohorts.

Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

  • Assoc Prof Vicki Banham for creating a signature pedagogy for students entering into the human services/community work field through a professional placement program.
  • Assoc Prof Deborah Hersh for motivating speech pathology students to become exemplary person-centred, interprofessional practitioners by building mutually beneficial links between innovative teaching, clinical expertise, and high-impact research.
  • Dr Donna Barwood for pioneering and championing inclusive, strengths-based health education, empowering pre-service secondary teachers with transformative capacities to cultivate health literate young Australians.

ECU Australian Awards for University Teaching Winners 2018

Programs that Enhance Learning

  • The prestigious Bachelor of Arts (Acting) program at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA). Led by Ms Glenda Linscott, it was recognised for its innovative teaching and outstanding student experience and graduate outcomes.
  • The State-wide Partnership Enabling Assistant Nursing Training in ECU’s Bachelor of Science (Nursing) program. Led by Ms Carol Crevacore, it gives students opportunities for employment during their studies while boosting their employability and giving valuable experience.

Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

  • Dr Marianne Knaus was recognised for changing pre-service teachers’ mindsets to enable effective and passionate teaching of mathematics in early childhood settings.
  • Dr Steven Richardson was recognised for promoting engagement and active learning in first-year mathematics through an integrated lecture-tutorial class format supported by computer-aided formative assessment.

Congratulations to all the winners.

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

Abigail Lewis

For the development and implementation of an innovative clinical practicum program in Speech Pathology using reflective practice to optimise the development of students’ clinical skills.

Associate Professor Denise Jackson

For sustained contributions to graduate employability and employment outcomes through research leading to an innovative, evidence-based and nationally recognised School-wide work-integrated learning program.

Jo McManus

For empowering students to develop broadcast careers through a successful postgraduate broadcasting course that delivers paid industry internships, high employment rates and strong industry networks.

Dr Ken Robinson

For sustained motivation of psychology students to demonstrate exceptional learning.

Award for Programs that Enhance Learning

Motorsports team: Dr Kevin Hayward, Dr Ferdinando Guzzomi and Mr John Hurney, for Innovation and Inspiration through the Bachelor of Technology (Motorsports).

Australian Awards for Teaching Excellence

Dr Lorraine Hammond, Senior Lecturer, School of Education
Lorraine Hammond has inspired a generation of outstanding educators. Her approach is to model good practice while engaging students with lectures and tutorials that are intellectually demanding, memorable, and designed to create a community of learners. Lorraine’s advice is highly sought after by schools and she is recognised as an international expert in the area of Learning Difficulties whose counsel is sought by federal and state politicians and the media.

Associate Professor Trevor Cullen, Head of Journalism, School of Arts and Humanities
Trevor Cullen has been a passionate and committed journalism educator for more than 20 years. Since taking over as head of ECU’s journalism department in 2006 he has developed a relevant, vibrant and engaging program that has resulted in many students winning national awards and graduate employment increasing. Trevor has played a significant role in Australian Higher Education curriculum renewal in journalism and has published over 25 peer-reviewed book chapters, journal articles and conference papers on journalism education.

Awards for Teaching Excellence

Mr Tim White, Senior Lecturer in Music, WAAPA

Mr Tim White has created a generation of outstanding young percussionists who have gone on to challenge the world. His inclusive and nurturing teaching approaches have enabled him to achieve outstanding success in graduate employment outcomes, and his students have established stellar careers in the percussion world due to their exceptional abilities and musicianship.

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

Associate Professor Mary Boyce

For sustained excellence in motivating, inspiring and influencing science students’ learning.

Professor Lelia Green

For leadership, commitment and success in learning and teaching through PhD supervision.

Associate Professor Robert Powell

For the application of innovative and effective research-based approaches to learning and teaching in banking and finance.

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

Dr Anne Harris
For leadership in the development, implementation and ongoing support of university-wide policies and strategies related to English Language Proficiency.

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning 

Ms Joanna Ashton
For sustained innovation in the design and delivery of quality contextualised and integrated academic language and literacy development programs for students engaged in university studies.

Mr James McCue
For sustained and outstanding commitment to engaging, authentic and reflective learning practices which develop students as scholars, as professionals and as people.

Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning 

Professor Mark Hackling
For sustained contribution to the improvement of teaching and learning in science education across Australia over a period of 40 years.

Ms Nanette Hassall
For a sustained contribution as the Head of the Department of Dance at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in service to students and the development of an outstanding dance program.
Dr Sophie Kennedy
For sustained contributions to quality practices in teaching and learning with technology in the development of engaging, authentic and collaborative online learning environments.
Dr Jeniffer Lane
For sustained contribution to promoting the use of learning technologies to enhance student learning through research and personal practice.
Dr Magdalena Wajrak
For the design and development of effective teaching and learning approaches to engage and motivate student learning in foundation chemistry classes.

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Dr Joyce Hendricks
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Postgraduate Medicine

Associate Professor Julie Ann Pooley
School of Psychology and Social Science

Professor Mark Stoney
Faculty of Business and Law

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Associate Professor Andrew Lewis

Mr Micheal McCarthy


Mr Dan Archibald and Team


Australian Awards for University Teaching 

Assoc Prof Paul Chang
School of Psychology and Social Science

Ms Diane Slade
School of Communication and Arts

Assoc Prof Sandra Wooltorton
School of Education

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Mr Rick Brayford
Teaching Award (Neville Bonner Award for Indigenous Education)

Professor Joseph Luca
Graduate Research School
Teaching Award (Physical Sciences and Related Studies)

Associate Professor Trevor Cullen
School of Communication and Arts

Dr David Elder
School of Communication and Arts

Mr Peter Holland
School of Communication and Arts

Honorary Associate Professor Adrianne Kinnear
School of Natural Sciences

Dr Geoffrey Swan
School of Engineering

Associate Professor Mel Ziman
School of Exercise, Biomedical and Health Sciences

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Mr Travis Kelleher
School of Communication and Arts
Teaching Award (Early Career)

International Student Orientation
Program Award

Associate Professor Jan Gray
School of Education and
Dr Danielle Brady
School of Communication and Arts

Dr Bridget Leggett, Dr Michael Harvey and Associate Professor Glenda Campbell-Evans
School of Education

Professor Joseph Luca
Graduate Research School

Professor Judith Rivalland
School of Education

Professor Susan Stoney
Centre for Learning and Development

Associate Professor Susan Ash
School of Communication and Arts

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Dr Bill Leadbetter, Dr Rod Chadbourne, Associate Professor Terry De Jong and Dr Lesley Newhouse-Maiden
School of Education
Teaching Award (Social Sciences)

Dr Alistair Campbell
School of Education

Associate Professor Trudi Cooper
School of Psychology and Social Science

Dr Lekkie Hopkins
School of Psychology and Social Science

Associate Professor Stanislaw Paul Maj
School of Computer and Information Science

Mrs Gerrie Sherratt

Dr Paul Swan
School of Education

Dr Trish Williams
School of Computer and Information Science

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Associate Professor Susan Ash
School of Communication and Arts
Teaching Award (Finalist)

Kurongkurl Katitjin, Geraldton
Institutional (Finalist)

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Retention and Persistence Transition Support Program
Institution Award

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Associate Professor Lynne Hunt
Prime Minister's Award

Australian Awards for University Teaching

Professor Ron Oliver
Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching & Learning
Individual Award (Use of Multimedia in Education)

If you would like support in applying for a teaching award, please contact the Centre for Learning and Teaching, on 6304 2554, or by email


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