This learning community aims to share and foster good practice in blended learning across all disciplines within ECU and beyond. As a community of practitioners and developers, we aspire to work hand-in-hand in providing a collaborative, supportive and collegial forum and networking platform for sharing experience and identifying relevant resources.
Through our meetings, the group also serves as a sounding board for new ideas in best practice face-to-face, online and blended learning. Ultimately, we aspire to not only help members identify and understand what blended learning is, but (and as with the pinnacle of Bloom’s Taxonomy) to transition those in the Learning and Teaching sphere to the higher levels of analysing and evaluating their blended learning practices, then leading to knowledge creation and discovery guided by scholarly research in this area.
To be notified of future events, or if you have a blended learning strategy, approach or aspect of technology/app that you would like to share, please contact either of the coordinators: Associate Professor Yasir Al-Abdeli or Dr Emma Leitner.