Services for students with disabilities or medical conditions
Students with disabilities have the right to:
Equitable access to courses, programs, services, activities and facilities at the University
Reasonable and appropriate accommodations, academic adjustments, and/or additional support services
Confidentiality of information pertaining to their disability
Information to be made reasonably available in accessible formats
Be treated with dignity and respect
Students with disabilities have the responsibility to:
Identify themselves in a timely manner as an individual with a disability when seeking an accommodation or service on the basis of their disability
Provide documentation from an acceptable professional source that verifies the nature of the disability and impact on access to the learning environment and/or experiences
Follow the procedures for obtaining reasonable accommodations and services as outlined in the Equity Statement Information
Treat staff of the University with dignity and respect
ECU has the responsibility to:
Ensure that the University's courses, facilities and activities are designed to be accessible to students with disabilities
Provide to students with disabilities information regarding policies, procedures and services and ensure their availability in alternative formats where required
Assess students on their abilities, not their disabilities
Provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations and services for students with disabilities
Disability Standards for Education 2005 - the primary purpose of the Standards is to make more explicit the obligations of education and training service providers under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the rights of people with disabilities in relation to education and training
Maintain appropriate confidentiality of all student records including Information about a student's disability
Offer a range of services in keeping with the provisions and responsibilities outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act(1993) and relevant University policies and procedures
Assist students to inform staff within the University regarding the impact of the student's disability at university and arrange appropriate services and accommodations
Maintain appropriate confidentiality of personal, health and disability information provided to the service by students
Inform students of university policies and procedures relating to students with disabilities where required
Seek feedback from students regarding the services being provided, work toward continuous improvement of services and respond appropriately to difficulties where they arise
Provide students with disabilities information about complaints processes where required
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