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Obtaining your certificate

In order to receive your testamur, regardless of whether or not you will be attending a graduation ceremony, you must complete the online graduation invitation.

Name on testamur

The testamur on which your degree is printed will have the name and course as it appears on your electronic graduation invitation and Statement of Academic Record.

If it is the custom in your country to write your name in a different sequence, for example Chan, Ping Ping and you wish your name to appear like this on your testamur, please ensure that you have amended your name order on your invitation. If you do not tell us to do this we will print your testamur with your family name/surname last - i.e.: "Ping Ping Chan".

If your name is incorrect in SIMO or you have legally changed your name, you will need to submit a completed notification of change of address/name form to the Student Hub, along with documentary evidence of name change prior to course completion.  For more information, please refer to Ask Us article: How do I update my name at ECU?

Your graduation name can only be changed on your testamur if a request is received prior to issue.  The date of issue occurs the day following the graduation invitation response cut-off date.  Name change requests received after this time will only be processed after the ceremony round has passed and will incur a testamur reproduction fee of $150.00 plus postage in most cases.  Please refer to Ask Us article: I have changed my name.  Can my testamur be reproduced? for more information.

Testamur collection

If you are unable to attend the graduation ceremony to receive your testamur, you will be able to arrange collection approximately three (3) business days following the ceremony.

Testamur collections are available from the Joondalup campus by appointment only.  Walk-ins will not be accepted.  Appointments can be made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between the hours of 9am - 11am and 2pm - 4pm.

To book an appointment, please click here.

If you're unable to collect your testamur, you can book an appointment for another person to collect it on your behalf.  For more information, please refer to Ask Us article: Can someone collect my graduation certificate (testamur) on my behalf? (

Postage of testamurs

If you have indicated on the online invitation that your testamur be posted to you, it will be posted by registered mail to your correspondence address is SIMO within approximately ten (10) business days following the graduation ceremony.  It is important that your address details are correct by the graduation invitation response cut-off date.

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