You can intermit for 12 months (two semesters).
Taking an approved intermission will hold your place in the course while you take a study break.
To intermit, you should log into SIMO and use the link to 'Course Details and Progress' to access your current course/s. Click on the link to 'Apply to Withdraw or Intermit from this Course' and choose 'Intermit from a Course'.
Once your application to intermit has been approved and processed, any units in which you are currently enrolled will be withdrawn. Please ensure you are aware of the financial and academic penalties that might apply before you submit your request to intermit.
*If you are studying in a course with the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) or
if you are a student completing honours (School of Engineering honours students can submit their application via SIMO) or a higher degree by research in any school, you are not able to intermit online at this stage.
You will need use the Application from Honours Students to Intermit or Discontinue from their Course form available on the Forms page on the Student Intranet.
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