Canvas is ECU's new Learning Management System (LMS). Canvas supports learning by providing an online environment and a suite of tools to enhance and extend the learning experience for our students as well as provide some efficiencies for our teaching staff.
Canvas also provides the ability to develop online spaces to support various communities of practice in our University. For example, sites that support cohorts of students involved in a particular course, and sites that allow all staff in a particular school to collaborate and communicate online.
Staff are automatically provided an account in Canvas. You can access Canvas by navigating to the Staff Portal and then selecting the Canvas application link in the "Easy Logins" menu on the left. You will be provided with a Canvas sandbox site and training modules to learn and experiment in. Existing units will be migrated from Blackboard to Canvas by the Project Team and it will be up to staff to populate their Canvas site using that content.
We have a comprehensive page in Canvas dedicated to support the use of Canvas and associated technologies for teaching and learning. You can access the site at any time by logging into Canvas and selecting the Help Icon on the left and then selecting the Learning Technology Staff Support Portal link from the menu. The support link also available in the See Also section of this page or you can access individual support sections below.
You can register for the Canvas Training available on the Staff Course Catalogue.
Learning Technologies are used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital learning tools; expands course offerings, experiences and learning materials; and improves educational productivity.