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What you can take into your exam

You may have on your desk during the examination the following Authorised Materials:

  • your ECU Student ID card.
  • writing materials - pens, pencils, an eraser; a ruler (only if required for the specific examination); white-out is NOT permitted.
  • a clear or solid-coloured bottle (reusable preferred) containing water. No adhesive label or writing is permitted on the bottle (excluding brand name labels/logos).
  • any examination aids approved for use in a specific examination, or by any special conditions of your Learning Access Plan.
  • a programmable calculator, if authorised for the examination. The calculator must have the memory cleared prior to entering the examination room.
  • an approved bilingual English translation dictionary that complies with the standard listed below may be used, including for open book examinations. The dictionary must be placed on the top left corner of your desk as soon as you sit down at your desk. The dictionary must remain there throughout the examination unless you are using it.

Depending on the type of examination specified in your exam timetable, you may be permitted to bring additional materials as outlined below:

  • Closed Book Exam: No additional materials are allowed, except for an approved calculator if indicated in your timetable.
  • Restricted Open Book Exam: Only the specific materials listed in your examination timetable in SIMO are permitted. Please note that annotations, page flags, or other modifications are not allowed unless explicitly stated otherwise.
  • Unrestricted Open Book Exam: There are no restrictions on the type or amount of notes, texts, or other supportive resources you may bring into the examination.

Bilingual English translation dictionaries

Dictionaries will be inspected by Invigilators to ensure that they comply with the following:

  • The dictionary must be in paper (book) form.
  • Contain only:
    • translations of words in the English language to their equivalents in a language other than English; or
    • translations of any words in a language other than English to their equivalent words in English; or
    • dual translations as described in (a) and (b) above.

Dictionaries that include explanations of what a word means are not permitted.  Other than the owner’s name, dictionaries must also not contain any entries or attachments other than the original text.  You cannot use electronic dictionaries or discipline-specific dictionaries such as medical, legal or life science dictionaries.

If an Invigilator finds any writing or other annotations in a dictionary, or the dictionary includes more than the translations of words, the dictionary will be confiscated, and a report will be made by the Invigilator as required by the Academic Misconduct Rules.

In examinations where bilingual dictionaries are not permitted, students will be informed in advance in writing by the Unit Coordinator.

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