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Applying for a Learning Abroad Opportunity

Step 1 - Consider if the opportunity is right for you

Students interested in a Learning Abroad Program, it may be helpful to consider the following:

  • View current opportunities or review the list of semester exchange locations.
  • Attend an information session if your School is running one.
  • Do you have room in your course structure for a study tour unit? If you are unsure, visit the Student Hub.
  • If you have questions about the logistics or cost of the program, talk to the Program Leader.
  • Review your finances. There is useful information on Funding and OS HELP loans available.
  • Think about travel preparation, including if a new passport or a travel visa is required and how to apply, arrange for vaccinations, etc.

Step 2 - Complete the online short term program student application form

For Semester exchange: Contact to discuss your options or visit the Student Exchange page for more information and how to apply.

For Short term study tours and placements: Complete the application form and upload a scanned copy of the ID page of your valid passport. Students must ensure their passport will still be valid for 6 months after their planned return date to Australia. This is an Australian Government requirement. If students are in the process of applying for, or renewing a passport, students can still submit  an application but must please note this in the application submission, and email a copy of the passport information page to the International Office once the passport is received.

  • If students are unsure of the Program Unit, or  eligiblity to enrol in the unit, please contact the student hub.
    • Students Course Coordinator may need to provide special approval for   credit towards a different unit as a result of completing the study tour.
  • All fields in the Application Form must be completed.
  • The Application Form can only completed in one go, you cannot partially complete and come back to it later.
  • Should you wish to make any changes to your application, or add any additional supporting documentation, after submitting, please contact the International Office with your request.

Applications must be received by the closing date indicated. Please note that under some circumstances we may be required to change the application deadline for the tour. To avoid disappointment, we recommend submitting your application as soon as possible.

Step 3 - Successful Applicants Receive & Accept Offers

After the application deadline, the Program Leader will review the applications and select participants.

The International Office will email offer letters to successful students. The email will contain the relevant documentation (below), and instructions on how to accept the offer.

  • Offer Letter/Acceptance form providing final costs and payment details (where applicable)
  • Student Travel Approval Form
    • Please note that MAC users must ensure that they open the PDF Travel Approval Form within Adobe Reader, not Preview mode. Alternatively, MAC users can print the email and complete/sign manually then scan, save and email. For assistance please contact IT on 6000.

Step 4 - Travel Approval Confirmed

All students travelling overseas for Learning Abroad Programs must have their travel approved in line with the ECU Travel Policy. This will be coordinate by the International Office upon submission of your complete Student Travel Approval Form.

Students should read through the visa information page for general visa advice.

If any  additional changes are made to travel arrangements after submitting a student travel approval form, you must inform your Program Leader.

Step 5 - Centrelink Letters

If you receive Centrelink payments, you may be able to continue to do so while on your program. You will need to provide your CRN (Centrelink Reference Number) in the application form so that the Student Hub can arrange an official letter with details of your overseas program. This letter should then be provided to Centrelink.

Step 6 - Government Grant Payments (where applicable)

If eligible, Government grants will be paid directly into your nominated bank account.

Step 7 - Study Tour Program Costs & Payment

You will receive details of the final costs relating to the Program/Placement in the offer letter. The letter will also provide a link to the online payment portal (if applicable). Please note that the study tour Program Fee does not include the tuition fee associated with the study tour unit.

Step 8 - Students to Receive and Pay Unit Fee Invoice

You will be enrolled in the relevant study tour unit and receive the unit fee invoice to make payment (where applicable).

Step 9 - Students Submit Confirmed Flight Itinerary

Your confirmed flight itinerary must be submitted to the Program Leader at least 3 weeks prior to departure.

Step 10 - Pre-departure Information Session

You will receive an email invitation with details to attend a pre-departure information session, which will cover:

  • Travel insurance
  • Cultural expectations and behaviour
  • Useful travel information
  • Any last minute concerns

This session will also be an opportunity for you to meet fellow students participating in the program.

Step 11 - Post Program Evaluation

You will receive email notification to complete the Program Feedback Form. This feedback will assist in improving future activities and may be used for research purposes. Feedback must be completed and returned to the International Office within 7 days of receiving the feedback notice.

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