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Counselling Workshops and Groups

Starting a new semester, you may feel as though you need some support to manage stress when working on assignments, preparing for the exam period and maintaining a healthy study/life balance.

The following workshops and group sessions will provide strategies to help. Also look at the workshops offered by the Access and Inclusion team.

Students at ECU

Anchor Yourself

Ahoy there! “Anchor Yourself” is a series of four workshops that aim to introduce strategies for helpfully managing the stress demands of student life. Each workshop will introduce a strategy focused on calming, grounding and being more present.

IMage of students with notebooks and folders

Prep for Prac: Make the Most of the Experience

Tailored to students about to embark on a practicum placement, this 2.5 hour interactive workshop will assist with recognising and managing symptoms of stress and anxiety. Plus building strategies for assertive communication and learning how to deal with placement feedback.

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