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Staff induction

Welcome to ECU! By joining our team of valued employees you will be working to deliver our goal of providing access to education and furthering research.

The online staff induction has been developed to ensure starting your new job at ECU is easy. We understand starting at a new workplace can be an overwhelming experience, therefore this information will be here for you to refer back to throughout your time here with us.

If you live with a disability and would like to confidentially discuss what we can do to support you, please contact your People and Culture Business Partner. Further information is also available here.

New starters

Getting started at ECU is easy. To help you get settled in to your new environment with us, read through the following for information and items you will need in your first week:

Getting to work

ECU campuses are located close to public transport and also offer some areas for staff parking. We encourage you to investigate all alternative travel methods to and from work.


There are different permit types and payment methods available for staff members.

Staff ID and Access card

As a staff member you are required to have an ID card. This will identify you as a staff member, allow you to access secure areas of ECU (including after hours access), it can also be used to borrow books from the library and as a Transperth Smart Rider.

Name badges

Staff are encouraged to wear a name badge at work, to meetings and whenever representing ECU. Ask your line manager if this has been arranged for you, otherwise you can arrange this with your Centre Officer.

Office name and number plate

Name plates can be created for either the office door or desk. Ask your line manager if this has been arranged for you.

Office key

If you are working in an office where entry is via a key view the Office Key Application Form and see our key requests web page.

Academic calendar

Student Services publish an academic calendar each year that outlines important semester dates.

Campus maps

Interactive maps help to find your way around each of our three campuses.

ECU Smoke-Free

All campuses and facilities including carparks, ovals and University leased premises are smoke-free.

Staff portal

Accessible from all webpages, the staff portal provides a centralised location for accessing systems and news for staff members.

Staff Kiosk

Accessible through the staff portal to view salary; payslips and payment summaries; update personal details; leave bookings and balance; book professional development courses.

Staff directory

Find another staff member’s contact details by entering their name in the search bar on any ECU webpage.


All ECU telephones are equipped with Microsoft Teams calling facilities.

As the formal part to your online staff induction, we require you to work through and complete the Required Items Checklist for New starters within the first six weeks of employment. It is easy to complete - most of the items involve reading important information on our website, whilst others require a conversation to take place between you and your line manager.

For more information, download our Required Items Checklist.

Behaviour expectations

The ECU Code of Conduct outlines our standards for behaviour that we expect from all our staff and is based on integrity, honesty, conscientiousness, compassion, courtesy, fairness and respect.

For more information, download our Staff Code of Conduct policy.

Our staff are led by our purpose, vision and values which determines the Code of Conduct along with appropriate behaviour expressed by your manager. Our values are integrity, respect, personal excellence and rational inquiry. We ask that you respect these principles and adopt them in your day-to-day work.

For more information, see our purpose, vision and values web page.

The Principles for the Responsible Conduct of Research at ECU outline behaviour expectations specifically in relation to research activities. The conduct of research at ECU must be characterised by high ethical standards and a commitment to quality, integrity and originality of research practice, underpinned by a respect for the truth and for those involved in the research process.


A probationary period is outlined in the Collective Agreement and Schedule within your employment contract. It is a period during which the University can assess whether you are satisfying your work requirements and where you can assess the suitability of the University as a place of employment.

For more information, download our Enterprise Agreement.

Performance management

Participating in performance management is mandatory for all ongoing and fixed-term contract staff (on a contract of 12 months or more). Therefore understanding the process and working collaboratively with your line manager and colleagues to achieve optimal performance should be a priority for all staff. Your line manager will meet with you to set 3–5 work objectives and discuss your personal career aspirations. This is an area of our intranet that you will need to reference to throughout your career with us as the performance management cycle is an ongoing one.

Security and emergency procedures

Both the Campus Support Office and Security and Traffic Services manage ECU emergency procedures. It is our expectation that you become familiar with our guidelines. In the event of an emergency, contact Campus Security on extension 3333.

Work health, safety and wellness

ECU is committed to the safety and health of its employees. An Online Health and Safety Induction module has been developed for all ongoing, fixed-term and casual new starters to help you understand your role and obligations. It is a legal requirement that all staff complete the Health and Safety induction.

As a new starter you have been automatically enrolled to complete both the Online Health and Safety Induction and Emergency and Evacuation Training modules.  These courses can be accessed directly via the links below:

Online Health and Safety Induction

Emergency and Evacuation Training

At ECU we are committed to promoting Respectful Relationships and striving for an environment of physical, psychological and emotional security see our Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Staff Portal for more information.

Please contact if you have any further queries regarding your online inductions.

ECU commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

ECU acknowledges and respects the continuing association with Nyoongar people, the traditional custodians of the land, upon which its campuses stand and programs operate.

ECU's vision for reconciliation is to provide a learning environment and workplace that values Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and knowledge, and contributes to a society where they have the same opportunities as other Australians.

We encourage all staff to complete an online introduction to the culture and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples via the Staff Learning Management System.

Equal Opportunity Training

All staff are required to complete an Equal Opportunity (EO) online training course. EO Online is an interactive program that provides a comprehensive overview of EO principles, legislative responsibilities, and information about actual case studies to highlight the application of EO laws and responsibilities. All staff are required to complete Modules One to Three (inclusive).  Line managers and/or Supervisors are required to complete Modules One to Four. Please note you will need to use your ECU email address to access the modules.

You can access this course via:

Please contact if you have any further queries regarding Equal Opportunity Training

Information Management

Our training programme for information management (IM) aims to build knowledge and raise awareness of the business benefits, compliance and legislative requirements around the management of University information. A solid understanding of how we manage information will improve services to the ECU community, and will make us more efficient in the way we do business.

For more information about IM and available courses, see the Information Management web page.

Email etiquette

Emails are the main method of communication across the University. All staff are expected to adhere to email etiquette ensuring a consistent standard of professionalism.

For more information, download our Acceptable Use of Information Systems policy and Email Guidelines.

Information Security

As an ECU staff member, you have a responsibility to protect the university’s and your own personal information.

You will find a range of resources to assist you in protecting the organisation from security threats and information on data classification, configuring multifactor authentication (MFA) and setting up CyberArk password manager.

The ECU Information Security Team are available to answer your questions and offer a range of awareness materials, including on-campus presentations, which can be made available to you by contacting the team.


Due to the changing nature of ECU's profile it is important we provide accurate, up-to-date qualifications that genuinely reflect the quality and diversity of the ECU staffing profile. If you have a University qualification or equivalent you will need to provide an updated copy of your qualification which you can add to your record via Staff Kiosk.

Understanding ECU and how our organisation operates will help you in your role each day. We recommend you read through each of the following points so you can get to know us, and gain an understanding of our workplace history and culture.

About ECU

Our focus on teaching and research is inspired by engagement and partnership.

University Council

The University Council is the governing body which controls and manages the operation, affairs, concerns and property of the University.


Our research priorities at ECU focus on working towards solving real problems.

Organisational structure and charts

Find your Centre or School’s organisational chart and get to know the people working around you.

Planning and performance monitoring

University plans contain measures and targets in order to monitor and report progress towards achieving the objectives.


The ECU Policy and Legislation Directory provides a searchable index of all policies, University statutes, by-laws and rules.

Marketing and branding

The Brand and Marketing team provide our staff with services and assistance for branding, online marketing and advertising.

ECU's centralised Brand Hub empowers you to access and create designs and templates that consistently align with our brand.

Writing within ECU

There are a number of guides to assist you in preparing communications on behalf of ECU.

There are many ways to stay connected with the rest of the ECU community. Keeping informed with the latest news and events is easy and will also keep you up-to-date with programs and initiatives outside your working area.

ECU Newsroom

Our latest headlines are posted on the ECU website daily.

Staff News

Accessible via the Staff portal and the Staff intranet highlights key messages targeted at staff.

ECU Matters

Emailed to staff once a fortnight with the news and event highlights.

Research Weekly is a weekly e-publication that provides timely information to the ECU research community on a range of research-related topics.

Staff portal

Accessible from all webpages, the staff portal provides a centralised location for accessing systems and news for staff members.


You can access your ECU email account on any computer outside of the ECU network by using Webmail. Webmail is accessed from the Staff portal.

IT support

The IT Service desk is available for technical support by phoning extension 6000.

Now you have started to settle into your role at ECU you can explore what else ECU has to offer and activities you can get involved in.

Campus facilities

Our on-campus facilities offer convenient services to our staff and opportunities for social interaction with colleagues. From medical and health clinics to a hairdresser, optometrist, fitness centre, bookshop and a range of cafes, you’ll appreciate the local convenience of these services.

Health and Wellness Program

Our health and wellness program for staff, Live Life Longer, gives you the opportunity to participate in activities that can help you become healthier, reduce stress and enjoy life. Activities run on-campus regularly and range from meditation, Global Corporate Challenge, ECU Campus Dash and Men's Business events.

Supporting Staff: A Staff Guide

The SharePoint site provides a central point of guidance, referrals, and resources for ECU staff who are seeking mental health and wellbeing support for themselves or others.

ECU Smoke-Free

All ECU campuses and facilities including carparks, ovals and all University leased premises are smoke-free.

Waste and Recycling

Facilities and Services provides our staff with environmental management support and advisory services. ECU is reducing our carbon footprint and adopts sustainable practices throughout the organisation.

Mail delivery

Managed by Fuji Xerox there are two inter-campus deliveries per day and one for Australia Post.


ECU Spatial Information System (ECUSIS) is an online tool providing access to a range of services including: maps and plans; move manager; staff locator: room enquiry, and some meeting room bookings.

Hiring multimedia equipment

Staff are able to borrow multimedia equipment from Multimedia Resources (MMR).

Use of an ECU vehicle

ECU vehicles are available for business purposes.

We provide competitive remuneration packages to help you get the most out of your employment. With generous employer-funded superannuation and salary packaging options available you can make your salary work for you. Take advantage of the benefits on offer to ECU employees including discounts on a range of items such as travel, car hire and insurance.

Salaries rates and allowances

Our remuneration, increments and employment conditions are defined and protected by our Enterprise Agreement.

For information on your salary, printable payslips and payment summaries, log in to Staff Kiosk

For inquiries about your salary and pay conditions please contact Payroll Services. Telephone (08) 6304 2235 or extension 2235. Email


Our employer-funded superannuation is held with industry super fund, UniSuper, and paid in addition to your salary.

Please watch this short video for an introduction to UniSuper.

If you have payroll or administrative superannuation queries you can contact Payroll Services. Telephone (08) 6304 2235 or extension 2235.

For more specific superannuation queries or to request a meeting with the On Campus Unisuper Consultant, please make a booking via UniSuper online booking system

StaffPLUS benefits

ECU StaffPLUS program entitles all our staff to enjoy a wide range of unique benefits and services. Corporate discounts have been arranged with a number of providers.

Recognition and reward

Here at ECU, we recognise positive work achieved and enjoy rewarding our staff for an exceptional job done. High performing achievements by staff are recognised through formal rewards:

If you have queries relating to your role, or your new workplace contact the following:

  • Your line manager - the first person to discuss issues with who should be able to give you immediate feedback
  • Web - search the ECU intranet for your answers
  • People and Culture Business Partner - Each area of the University has a dedicated Business Partner available to provide you with support and advice on all People and Culture related matters. To find your area’s Business Partner, see our People and Culture Support Contacts.

Role based specific information

Role clarification

It is important that you understand your role’s purpose and a position description will provide you with information about your key responsibilities and accountabilities. Your line manager will also discuss with you your position’s responsibilities and accountabilities, clearly articulating their expectations of you in your position using the Academic Staff Performance Expectations and Outcomes (ASPEO) Framework.

This framework will guide you in planning the balance and emphasis of your work within the context of your career development aligned with ECU’s expectations.


Refer to the Academic Staff Performance Expectations and Outcomes (ASPEO) Framework when discussing and assessing your performance.

Academic Workload Models

The Collective Agreement provides for the development of academic workload measurement and allocation models. These models are reviewed each year to ensure they are fair and equitable and in accordance with the principles specified in the Agreement. For more information contact your Dean.

For more information, download our Enterprise Agreement.

Research Journey

As an academic at an Australian University, it is expected that you will undertake research in your chosen field.

Developing research ideas into fundable projects or a publication can be a daunting task and usually raises a lot of questions.

Read about what ‘research’ means and outlines the support available for developing a research concept into an application and/or publication.

Training and development

As a new employee with us, whether ongoing, fixed-term or casual/sessional, you are encouraged to take responsibility for your career and to reach your potential.

You have the opportunity to participate in a range of professional development training, workshops and online courses that will provide you with the insights necessary for personal and professional success whilst working with us.

Courses are run by internal and external providers.

The Role Based Development Framework (RBDF) is a training and development initiative to ensure that all staff are provided with learning modules best targeted to their roles.

Recommended courses for new starters

Staff Orientation: Working at ECU

Understanding where you fit into the bigger picture when working at ECU is vital in understanding how you contribute to ECU's mission, vision and strategic priorities. This informal forum will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of the members of the Senior Executive Team and network with other staff over lunch.

To nominate for this course at your campus, visit our staff LMS for details.

PDC Learning & Teaching Program

ECU’s suite of Professional Development Courses (PDC) provides academic staff from a range of different roles with the basic knowledge and skills needed to get started at ECU, improve academic practice, and to grow professionally. The courses run throughout the year. Enrolment in any of the PDCs is via the Staff Development Portal.

Visit PDC Learning & Teaching Program for more information.

The Program

PDC111: Introduction to Learning & Teaching at ECU

PDC111 is essential for ALL new teaching academics at ECU and is offered fully online. It is a 3-hour course that incorporates self-paced activities and completion tasks. It is designed to quickly introduce you to some of the core responsibilities of teaching staff, ECU’s priorities in teaching and learning, and the key technology systems teaching staff need to be familiar with. PDC111 also provides the opportunity to become familiar with the professional learning options available to ECU staff.

PDC112: On-campus Learning & Teaching

PDC112 is a self-directed online learning course. It is essential for all academics that teach on-campus classes of any size and introduces participants to ECU’s priorities in the areas of effective teaching and a high-quality educational experience for all learners. Participants learn about a framework for academic motivation which provides practical strategies for aligning their own teaching practice with ECU’s priorities. Participants are also introduced to the peer review process and the principles associated with becoming a reflective practitioner for continuous improvement of practice. Participants receive facilitator feedback on their submissions.

PDC113: Unit Coordination at ECU

PDC113 is an introduction to the unit coordinator role at ECU. It is, therefore, not overly focused on pedagogy and best practices in learning and teaching. Instead, it focuses on ensuring participants understand how to succeed as a unit coordinator. The face-to-face session and online content aim to show staff the key information, processes, policies, people, and skills ECU expects all unit coordinators to engage with over the course of a typical semester of teaching. PDC113 aligns all of its content with the unit coordinator role statement. If you are interested in undertaking more professional development in teaching practice or unit design, please enrol in one of our other professional development courses or consider undertaking some micro-credentials on the topics which interest you.

PDC114: Online Learning & Teaching

PDC114 is essential for all academics teaching fully online units at ECU. You will learn how to facilitate an online learning experience that supports and motivates student learning. You will also learn about ECU’s vision and standards for providing quality online learning and develop strategies for meeting those standards within your own teaching practice. Those completing the Design module will also design an effective online assessment. PDC114 is delivered fully online via Canvas (4 hours Facilitation + 2 hours Design) and includes development of reflective evidence for your teaching portfolio.

PDC116: Course Coordination at ECU

The PDC116 course is essential for all Course Coordinators. You will acquire skills in course governance and design, moderation and assessment, continuous improvement, and ensuring student support. The course outcomes are aligned to the Course Coordinator Role statement. This course comprises a 4 hour highly practical face-to-face workshop plus a range of application tasks and interactive learning activities online via Canvas.

Prescribed Courses

Teaching academics should be aware that they are required to complete the PDC programs as follows:

  • ALL teaching academics must complete PDC111 regardless of prior teaching experience. It is recommended that this course be commenced within the first month following appointment. It must be completed within 3 months. No RPL available.
  • ALL on-campus teaching academics must complete PDC112. It is recommended that this course be commenced within the first month following appointment and must be completed within 6 months.
  • ALL academics teaching in fully online units must complete PDC114. It is recommended that this course be completed prior to commencing teaching, or at least within the first 3 months following appointment. Once commenced it must be completed within 3 months.
  • ALL Unit Coordinators must commence PDC113 within the first six months of their appointment to the role. Once commenced it must be completed within 3 months.
  • Course Coordinators must commence PDC116 within the first six months of their appointment to the role. Once commenced it must be completed within 3 months.


Sessional academic staff must be paid to participate in mandatory professional development at the Other Required Academic Activity (A31) rate defined in the current Enterprise Bargain Agreement. CLT will notify staff when they have completed a particular PDC course. It is the staff member’s responsibility to notify academic staff within their school of their completion of any prescribed courses in order to receive payment.


To find out more about the PDC Learning and Teaching Program, visit PDC Learning & Teaching Program, email the Centre for Learning and Teaching or call on 6304 2554  for more information.


Research Training and Resources

Research Services has developed a comprehensive professional development framework which highlights the competencies required by academic staff. The Research Intranet provides a wide range of resources including online modules for research skills training and supervisor compliance training; an overview of repositories of research material; and online tools for research.

Role clarification

It is important you understand your role's purpose and a position description will provide you with information about your key responsibilities and accountabilities. The position description will have been available when you applied for your role. If you do not have a copy you can ask your line manager or contact your Business Partner.

Training and development

You have the opportunity to participate in a range of professional development training, workshops and online courses that will provide you with the insights necessary for personal and professional success whilst working with us. Courses are run by internal and external providers.

The Role Based Development Framework (RBDF) is a training and development initiative to ensure that all staff are provided with learning modules best targeted to their roles.

Recommended course for new starters

Reach Your Potential – Working at ECU Reach Your Potential is our orientation forum. Understanding where you fit into the bigger picture when working at ECU is vital in understanding how you contribute to ECU's mission, vision and strategic priorities. This informal forum will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of the members of the Senior Executive Team and network with other staff over lunch.

To nominate for this course at your campus, see the Staff Learning Management System.

MPS Overview Planning and Setting SMART Objectives

This interactive workshop is one of two modules focusing on planning and review as part of the MPS. In this module participants will be given an overview of management for performance at ECU, an understanding of the ECU planning cycle and how MPS fits into that cycle. Participants will also learn how to set SMART objectives for their individual work plans. They will also gain an understanding of how they can use the RBDF web based tool to plan personal and professional development.

To nominate for this course at your campus, see the Staff Learning Management System.

Managers and Supervisors

If you are expecting a new staff member, read the following before they commence working with you.

Your new staff member

The purpose of induction is to welcome new appointees, deliver critical information about the organisation, and to clarify any expectations for the position.

Your new staff member should start working through the areas of Staff Induction when they first commence in your team. Addressing a new appointee’s expectations at this early stage will help to reduce new starter anxiety; foster positive attitudes; increase staff morale and commitment to the organisation; reduce turnover; and work towards early achievement in productivity and job proficiency.

Your role

To help prepare for a new starter, and to ensure your team is ready for their commencement from day one, there are a couple of resources to use and complete:

We have also provided your new starter with a list of items on how to get started at ECU as part of their staff induction. Your role is to support their commencement at ECU and provide assistance where needed.

Items for you to complete prior to commencement

Staff number

Each staff member is given a unique staff number when they commence working at ECU.  Once Payroll has processed the employee’s contract, an email will be sent to the Line Supervisor to confirm the employee’s Staff Number.

The staff number is required to request Additional Computer System Access and to request changes for Office Allocation.

On commencement an employee will automatically be provided with an ADS login, providing them an ECU email account and access to the Intranet.

To apply for additional Computer System Access including printers, shared folders and other system applications, please request this via the Digital and Campus Services Kiosk.

To ensure the employee has been set up with required changes for Office Allocation, please submit a Move Manager request. Visit the DCS Office allocations and relocation page for more information.

For more information contact Payroll Services.

The following information is an opportunity for you to work with your new staff member to help them understand their place within the team and ECU:

Role clarification

It is important that your new team member understands exactly what it is that they have been employed to do. It is your responsibility to meet with them and clearly outline the position’s key duties, accountabilities and your expectations.

All staff will have a position description that can be used as a guide to planning the balance and emphasis of their work.

Academic staff should use the Academic Staff Performance Expectations and Outcomes (ASPEO) Framework to assist planning within the context of their career development aligned with ECU’s expectations. Where applicable, another reference tool is the Academic Leadership Policy for those undertaking a senior academic leadership role.

Behaviour expectations

The ECU Code of Conduct and purpose, vision and values outline our standards for behaviour that we expect from all our staff and is based on integrity, honesty, conscientiousness, compassion, courtesy, fairness and respect.

For more information, download our Code of Conduct policy or see our purpose, vision and values web page.

In addition to your new starter reading these online documents it is important that you discuss the University, and work unit behaviour expectations. You can take the opportunity to discuss issues such as lunch and short breaks, dress code, working hours and flexibility.


A probationary period is an extremely important transition into the University for new starters. The provisions regarding probation for Academic and Professional staff are developed in the Collective Agreement and policies.

During probation, you will need to assess the employee’s ability to meet the work requirements. If the employee is not performing at the required level during probation they may be terminated. For advice on termination read the relevant clauses (cl. 8 Academic Staff, cl. 7 Professional Staff) in the Collective Agreement.

We suggest that during your discussion regarding probation, work objectives are set for your new starter. These work objectives will contribute to their review at the end of their probationary period.

For more information, refer to the Enterprise Agreement or contact your People and Culture Business Partner.

Performance management

The Management for Performance (MPS) system is an initiative that supports ECU's goal to strengthen our leadership capacity and build a strong performance culture amongst our employees. These strategic priorities provide the context and organisational outcomes for each School/Centre's operational plan which in turn provides staff with an opportunity to align their individual objectives, performance and expectations with the desired outcomes of their position and ultimately, the University.

Participation in MPS is mandatory for all permanent and fixed-term contract staff (on a contract of 12 months or more). It is your responsibility to set 3–5 work objectives, outline any training requirements and discuss your new starter’s career aspirations with them.

For more information, see our Managing your performance web page.

Mandatory Online Induction Training

All new starters are required to complete the required online induction training.  All training modules are mandatory and must be completed within the first 6 weeks of employment.

All new employees are automatically enrolled to complete the mandatory online induction training and receive email notifications on commencement confirming their enrolment.

Reminder emails are sent to the employee and Line Supervisor at 4 and 8 weeks where the employee has not completed the required training.

Unpaid Academic Appointments are required to complete the mandatory online induction training if they are required to come on to Campus regularly.

Access Only appointments are required to complete the mandatory online induction training if they will be in contact with ECU Staff and Students and are required to spend time on campus.

If you require further assistance in determining when the mandatory online induction training is to be applied, please seek further assistance from the People and Culture Services Team (

Equal Opportunity Training

All staff are required to complete an Equal Opportunity (EO) online training course. EO Online is an interactive program that provides a comprehensive overview of EO principles, legislative responsibilities, and information about actual case studies to highlight the application of EO laws and responsibilities. Staff need only complete Module One. Supervisors are required to complete both Modules One and Two.

Direct link to complete the course:

Please contact if you have any further queries regarding Equal Opportunity Training.

Emergency and Evacuation procedures

It is important that all new starters are aware of ECU’s emergency and evacuation procedures.

Direct link to complete the course:

Please contact if you have any further queries regarding Equal Opportunity Training.

Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Induction

ECU is committed to the safety and health of its employees. An Online OS&H Induction module has been developed for all new starters to help them understand their role and obligations. It is a legal requirement that all employees complete the OS&H induction course.

Direct link to complete the course:

Please contact if you have any further queries regarding the OSH Induction.

Information Security

As an ECU staff member, you have a responsibility to protect the university’s and your own personal information. As manager or supervisor, you need to ensure that your direct reports are also aware of their information security responsibilities. All staff are expected to take the following steps to ensure information security at ECU:

  • Configure Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Consider the use of CyberArk password manager to further protect their ECU staff account
  • Familiarise themselves with the ECU Information Security SharePoint content, paying particular attention to handling and classifying information
  • Understand their responsibility to report information security risks to the ECU Cyber Security team.
  • Understand the risk to the organisation from phishing attacks and social engineering attempts

The ECU Information Security Team are available to answer your questions and offer a range of awareness materials, including on-campus presentations, which can be made available to you by contacting the team.


Due to the changing nature of ECU’s profile it is important we provide accurate, up-to-date qualifications that genuinely reflect the quality and diversity of the ECU staffing profile. If your employee has a University qualification or equivalent they will need to provide a copy of the original Testamur / Certificate along with other due diligence documents.

Encourage your employees to check the Staff Kiosk to ensure that their qualifications and Equal Employment Opportunity information is accurate.

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