UniSuper is the industry fund dedicated primarily to those who work and study in the Australian higher education and research sector. ECU staff have the option to build and manage their Super throughout their working life and into retirement including electing to salary sacrifice a portion of salary into a superannuation account.
A dedicated UniSuper Superannuation Consultant is based at the ECU Joondalup Campus in Building 1. Room 1.240 next to Visitors Centre Reception. There is no cost for using this service and they can provide general advice on any matter related to your UniSuper account or refer you to a Financial Adviser for personalised advice on your super and other financial matters.
To make an appointment use the UniSuper online booking system and self-select a date and time that is convenient for you.
Appointments are also available at Mount Lawley and South West Campus throughout the year or online.
Alternatively, you can visit the website or call the general information helpline on 1800 331 685