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Early-Mid Career Researcher (EMCR) Grant Scheme

Successful 2025 Outcomes

Listed below are the awardees of the ECU Early-Mid Career Researcher (EMCR) grants for 2025/26.

In total, 34 highly competitive applications were received, with 41% of applications being awarded funding to a total of $521,138.

Specifically for Stream 1 Kickstart, 64% of these applications were successful with $344,670 awarded. For Stream 2 Pilot Projects, 25% of these applications were successful with $176,468 awarded.

Chief Investigator

Project Title


Amount Awarded

BOESL, FabianImplications of past and future climate change for wetland and forest ecosystems in Southwest Australia

School of Science


FITZPATRICK, Claire Bridging the gap between young people and politics: Student developed strategies for enhancing deliberative democracy.School of Arts and Humanities


HAMILTON, JenniferAdvancing practice: Investigating the role of clinical supervisor training within mental health nursing

School of Nursing and Midwifery


MUIR, ShannonDomestic violence perpetrated towards women by men previously unknown to police in Western Australia

School of Arts and  Humanities


NGUYEN, HienAddressing diverse ageing wellbeing: Understanding social frailty and developing a new culturally relevant social frailty measure for Asian migrants in Australia.

School of Arts and Humanities


PARMENTER, BenUnveiling the health benefits of a diet diverse in (poly)phenols

School of Medical and Health Sciences


SARTORI, JulieObesity and morning sickness: A histological review of placental tissue for expectant mothers in a Western Australian cohort.School of Medical and Health Sciences


TURNER, MitchellImproved Sleep HealthSchool of Medical and Health Sciences$39,700
WESSELMANN, MarleneUnderstanding the Impacts of Ocean Warming on Western Australia Seagrasses: Informing Conservation, Restoration, and Climate ScienceSchool of Science$33,216

Chief Investigator

Project Title


Amount Awarded

CHUA, VivianInvestigating the roles of liver cells on the growth and metastasis of uveal melanomaSchool of Medical and Health Sciences


ELLINGSEN, SteinarTransforming the News: Assessing the Impact of Generative AI on Journalism Practices and News ProductionSchool of Arts and Humanities


LEOW, Li AnnUnderstanding how ageing impairs sensorimotor adaptationSchool of Arts and Humanities


LI, KeyaoIntegrating Human Systems with Digital Innovations in the Resources SectorSchool of Business and Law


ZAMMIT, CarlaMining for Microbes: The Australian Rare Earth Element EditionSchool of Science$39,307


Through two distinct funding Streams, the Early-Mid Career Researcher (EMCR) Grant Scheme aims to support promising Edith Cowan University (ECU) Early-Mid Career Researchers (EMCRs) to progress their independent research careers. The scheme aims to provide EMCRs with experience in applying for research funding and in undertaking and managing a research project as a lead Chief Investigator (CI). Researchers can apply for funding to conduct a research project for up to 18 months, that will help develop their track record and enhance their research competitiveness. The project is required to be clearly defined and with data collection and outputs achievable within the 18 month period.

The EMCR Grant Scheme has two funding streams:

Stream 1 Kickstart: supporting ECRs within 2 years post-PhD conferral (excluding career interruptions) and who have had no previous external research funding to kickstart their career with an independent research project.

Stream 2 Pilot Projects: supporting EMCRs between 2-10 years post-PhD conferral (excluding career interruptions) to undertake necessary pilot work (e.g., to generate preliminary data to support analysis plans or sample size determinations, to trial methodological approaches, to test or validate data collection tools, etc.) to underpin a strong and justified research plan/approach to be included in the submission of an externally competitive research grant application within 12 months of EMCR project completion. Applicants who are within 2 years post-PhD conferral but are not eligible for Stream 1 as they have received previous non-Category 1 (or international equivalent) external research funding (including Fellowships) and have not previously held a grant under Stream 2, are eligible to apply. Existing ongoing research projects will not be supported. Only proposals that already have a developed research plan that requires refinement of approaches/methods/tools or proof of feasibility will be funded.

Funding for successful applicants commences 1 January 2026 and will be awarded for a maximum of 18 months. The maximum funding available for each award is $40,000.

2026 Key Dates

  • 17 March 2025 - EMCR Grant opens
  • 29 April 2025 - Career interruption approval requests to be submitted
  • 6 May 2025 - EOI Submission in ECU RMS
  • 20 May 2025 - Final draft for Research Administration Review
  • 3 June 2025 - EMCR Grant closes
  • 4 August 2025 - Anticipated announcement

Information Session

An information session will be held on Tuesday 15 April 2025 which will provide an overview of the scheme as well as some tips and insights from both Assessors and previously successful applicants. The in person session will also be available online. Register for the session through our Trybooking link.

Career Interruptions

A Career interruption is defined as a prolonged interruption (minimum of 90 days) to an applicant's capacity to work.  Please see guidelines for full details.  To aid with calculation of eligibility, please use the 'Career Interruption Calculator' in the Downloads section.

Please note, all career interruptions must be approved by Research Services. Approval should be requested by submitting a completed copy of the 'Career Interruption Calculator' spreadsheet to requests must be received by 4pm, Tuesday 29 April 2025.

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