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Externally-led Applications

Externally-led Grant Applications with ECU named investigators

If you are participating as an investigator on an externally-led application, please inform our Pre-award team at as soon as possible (preferably several weeks) after you agree to be a named collaborator on the application.

The following steps should be followed:

  • An EOI should be submitted in the ECU Research Management System (ECU RMS).  Remember to select NO to 'ECU led application'.  The EOI should be submitted several weeks prior to the external funding deadline but no later than a week prior to the submission deadline.
  • Any financial contributions expected from ECU (cash and/or in-kind), or cash funding expected to ECU, are to be costed by your School Finance Coordinator and approved by the School Associate Dean Research or Executive Dean.
  • Advise the Pre-award team as soon as possible of any required institutional signatures for the application, including Letters of Support (see ‘Additional documentation’ below).
  • Provide a full copy of the final application to allow for ADR approval and entry into ECU RMS.

Additional documentation

Some funding schemes will require additional documentation from all collaborating organisations, such as certifications or letters of support.  A template may be provided by the funding body which the research team can use to prepare an initial draft.  This should then be sent to the Pre-Award team at along with the application and finance costings.  If there is no template provided by the funder, our Pre-award team may be able to provide a template.  The researcher is responsible for drafting the content.

The appropriate signatory/signee for any certifications or letters of support is determined by the type of support mentioned within the letter or as determined by the funding guidelines. The Research Pre-award team can provide case by case advice on who the signatory should be.  Please allow at least 48 hours for the signee to return the signed document.  Additional time may be required if the DVCR’s signature is required on the letter of support.

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