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Australian Research Council (ARC)

The Australian Research Council (ARC) administers the National Competitive Grants Program (NCGP), which supports the highest-quality fundamental and applied research, and research training through nationally competitive grant schemes.

The NCGP supports:

  • high quality research leading to the discovery of new ideas and the advancement of knowledge
  • facilities and equipment that researchers need to be internationally competitive
  • researchers at different stages of their careers, including training and skills development of the next generation of researchers
  • incentives for Australia’s most talented researchers to work in partnership with leading researchers throughout the national innovation system and internationally, and to form alliances with Australian industry.

The NCGP comprises two funding programs Discovery and Linkage.

Discovery program supports fundamental research, essential to Australia’s innovation system, for the development of new ideas, job creation, economic growth, and an enhanced quality of life in Australia.

Linkage program promotes national and international collaboration and research partnerships between key stakeholders in research and innovation, including higher education providers, government, business, industry and end-users. Research and development is undertaken to apply advanced knowledge to problems, acquire new knowledge and as a basis for securing commercial and other benefits of research.

Experimental Development

The Australian Research Council Act 2001 (amended 2024) excludes the use of ARC funding for activities classified as ‘experimental development’. The updated advice clarifies that experimental development research may be included in an application, where these activities are to be funded from non-ARC sources. The application must make clear this differentiation.

The ARC Experimental Development Policy is located on the ARC website.

ARC Assessors

Peer review is central to the assessment of applications for ARC grants. The ARC engages both General and Detailed assessors to review applications.

Becoming an ARC assessor can be a great experience – more details can be found on their website.

College of Experts

To support the advancement of knowledge and contribute to national innovation, the ARC engages an ARC College of Experts to play a key role in identifying research excellence.  Its members are experts of international standing drawn from the Australian research community: from higher education, industry and public sector research organisations.

Research Services will put out a call annually as nominations are not accepted directly from nominees.  The DVCR will review the list of nominees prior to nominations progressing.

ARC Grant Dataset Dashboard

The ARC has developed a Grant Dataset Dashboard to provide valuable insights into the Australian research funding landscape, addressing a growing need for transparency and data accessibility within the research community.

The Dashboard is designed to support Australian research by offering comprehensive data on ARC funding allocations, and help stakeholders analyse and understand how funds are distributed across projects, organisations and disciplines. The Dashboard is beneficial for a wide array of users, including university administrators and researchers, to explore historical data, forecast future trends and make well-informed decisions.

For more information and access to the dashboard, visit: Grants Dataset | Australian Research Council.

ARC News

Keep up to date with the latest ARC news and administration alerts.

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