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Apply for funding

All applications for funding (Research grants and Tenders) must be reviewed by Research Services, who will then submit your application to the funder on your behalf. For non-traditional sources of funding such as industry-initiated funding or ‘tap on the shoulder’ funding or where you are a Chief Investigator on an application led by another institution (external-led), please contact .

Research Services records your application on the ECU Research Management System (RMS). The internal deadline for submitting grant applications to Research Services is at least 10 working days prior to the funding scheme submission date. This allows for compliance and eligibility checking, proofreading, obtaining relevant approvals; as well as sufficient time for submission.

For ARC and NHMRC schemes, there is a Category 1 Pre-Assessment process to follow with additional deadlines. For more information, see the ARC and NHMRC Grants  web page.

Adjuncts and Emeritus Professors, please see the Guidelines: ECU Adjunct Researchers on research grants administered through ECU.

Research Funding Application Process

Before developing a grant application, the lead ECU Chief Investigator should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) on the ECU Research Management System (RMS) for approval by the School Associate Dean Research. RMS can be accessed from the Staff Portal. Select the ‘Research Management System’ link located in the Easy Logins section.

The EOI should be submitted several weeks prior to the external funding deadline or as soon as you can confirm you are likely to apply. An EOI should be submitted even if the application will be led by another institution. If you require assistance with submitting your EOI on RMS, please contact Only basic grant details are required for the EOI such as a title, summary and research team. You can also download the ‘Submitting an EOI’ guide and ‘EOI cheat sheet’. Alternatively you can email

Once your EOI is submitted, the School Associate Dean Research as well as Research Services will receive an automated alert of your intent to apply. Your School Associate Dean Research is required to approve your EOI (via RMS). Once approved, you will receive an automated email to confirm the approval to proceed. If not approved you will be notified by Research Services. Once approved, a Research Services Research Administration Officer (RAO) will be in contact with you in regards to the internal deadline for review to provide copies of the grant application documents.

This step can range from several weeks to several months depending on the size and complexity of the application. Developing a competitive research application requires the completion of some important groundwork before you actually write anything:

  • Establish your project team, partners, collaborators and populations
  • Research your funder. Be aware of the remit and ensure your proposal and needs align with the funder.
  • Ensure you understand the assessment criteria and make sure your proposal matches this criteria.
  • Demonstrate that you know the current state-of-the-art of your field and where the gaps are; and know your competition!
  • Read and re-read the funding rules and guidelines

Research Administration Officer (RAO)

RAOs are responsible for monitoring your grant application from the EOI stage up until review and submission. During this stage they can assist with interpreting the funding rules, answering queries, assisting with the budget and keeping you on track for submission. They can also provide administrative support as required, such as completing parts of the form, following up investigators, formatting documents, data entry and obtaining signatures (see RAO Contact Details). Please note that your School Finance Coordinator should be approached for assistance with salary costing calculations for your budget.

It is essential that your application is compliant with the funding rules, that the Chief Investigators are eligible and that the application is free of spelling and grammar errors prior to submission. Close to the agreed internal deadline, your final application should be submitted to your Research Administration Officer (RAO). The RAO will carry out eligibility checks and compliance with the funding rules e.g. formatting requirements and relevant supporting documentation has been provided. RAOs will also proofread your application for spelling and grammatical errors. If there are any eligibility, compliance or text edits required, your application will be returned to you for finalising. During this time, the RAO will coordinate a budget review and approval by the relevant School Finance Coordinator. If your budget has not been costed correctly or there are other budget issues, you will be informed and required to make the changes.

Once your application has been finalised please forward with any supporting documents to your RAO at Your RAO will record your application on the ECU Research Management System (RMS) and request approval by the Dean of your School (or delegate). This also applies to non-ECU led submissions.

Prior to submission by Research Services, the School Associate Dean Research of the lead CI is required to provide final approval for the application to be submitted. The School Associate Dean Research is approving that the project is research and that the School has the resources to facilitate the performance of the research project. The School Associate Dean Research will receive an automatic alert via RMS that your application is ready for approval. Approval is also actioned electronically via RMS.

Close to submission, the Coordinator, Research Administration (CRA) will undertake a final review and is responsible for endorsing the application for submission. If any changes are recommended at this point,your RAO will liaise with you.

The CRA will submit all applications (including email, hardcopy and online) on your behalf to the funding body. You will be notified by email when your application has been submitted and provided with an electronic copy of the final submission document/s.

Please note that for ARC and NHMRC applications the Manager, Research Administration (MRA) will conduct a final spot check, certify and submit the application within the ARC and NHMRC online system.

Research Administration Officers

RAOs are nominally allocated to the following Schools and Disciplines:

Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences schools

Arts & Humanities

Kylie Rudrum
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3430

Donna Field
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3638

Business & Law

Nicky Kemp
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2623

Kurongkurl Katitjin 

Centre for People, Place and Planet

Mariko Huartson
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3669

STEM schools

Medical and Health Sciences
Centre for Precision Health 

Kylie Rudrum
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3430

Donna Field
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3638

Medical and Health Sciences
Nutrition Health Innovation Research Institute

Mariko Huartson
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 3669

Nursing and Midwifery
Exercise Medicine Research Institute

Nicky Kemp
Telephone: (61 8) 6304 2623

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