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Get Career Ready - First Year Checklist

Your career starts on your very first day of university.

And your time as a student will go by faster than you expect! The Careers and Employability team is here to help you develop and recognise your employability skills throughout your degree. Putting together the building blocks so you’ll be ready for employment when you graduate. Please consider the following pointers to start building your career knowledge.

Your career doesn't start at the end of your degree, many of the most important steps you can take while you're studying. Whether it's volunteering, building up your work experience, developing your resume or working on your networking skills - there's lots to do now.

The journey to your dream career starts here. CareerHub has resources to help you on your way.

Login to CareerHub to access resources like the ’Know Yourself’ tip sheet.

Your Peer Leader is a current student who will share their study experience with you and help you get the most out of your time at ECU .

Engage weekly with Peer Leaders on Canvas..

Volunteering is a great way build your employability skills.

Volunteering WA has some great volunteering programs to get you started.

The CareerHub Jobs board lists hundreds of jobs.  
Check it regularly to find work opportunities.

Attend your school Career Fair and events like The Big Meet and Meet the Employers to connect to industry.

Develop your industry awareness and connections at on- and off-campus student and employer events and Career Fairs.

Join a Guild Club and meet new people with shared interests.

Use the Career Planning guide to help set and achieve your career goals.

Log-in to CareerHub and work through the 'Career Planning' module.

Regularly add your learning experiences to your résumé.

Use the 'Build Your Résumé' ECU Career Hack.

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