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Expression of Interest for Project-Based Allocation of Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarships

(For supervisor to complete)

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Scholarship are designed to support postgraduate students of outstanding research promise undertaking a higher degree by research at ECU. The scholarships are offered on the basis of academic merit and research performance. Successful applicants will be awarded either the ECU Higher Degree by Research Scholarship or the RTP Stipend Scholarship.

HDR Scholarship allocations are allocated based on specific projects to ensure that scholarship allocations align with the research strengths, priorities and objectives of the University. The selection process is competitive, and assessment will be based on merit and ranking.

The University holds two competitive scholarship rounds opening for applications in approximately May and September each calendar year.


Allocation of project-based HDR scholarships typically involves three separate stages including:

  • Stage 1: School Allocation of Scholarships – manage centrally
  • Stage 2: Supervisor/Project Scholarship Expression of Interest
  • Stage 3: Candidate/Awardee Selection*

*Not all scholarships awarded will require an Expression of Interest provided in Stage 2.

EOI Application Process

Potential Principal Supervisors are required to submit an Expression of Interest for the Project-Based Scholarship Scheme.

Important dates:

The 2025 Mid Year EOI for supervisors:

  • Opens on Monday 3 February 2025.
  • Closes COB Tuesday 1 April 2025.

Before submitting an EOI, make sure you have read the HDR Scholarship Guidelines. The EOI form can found here and must be uploaded to the EOI submission.

  1. The project’s Supervisor or an ECU staff member must submit the Expression of Interest form via the HDR Scholarship Round online form.
  2. The submitted EOI is sent to the School’s Associate Dean Research (ADR) for review and endorsement. The proposed supervisor will receive notification from the ADR relating to whether the proposed project endorsed and whether there are any supervisor compliance issues needing to be addressed.
  3. Endorsed proposed projects will be sent to the Scholarship Review Committee for ranking and approval. The outcome is sent to the proposed supervisor with details on subsequent steps.

For any enquiries relating to the project, supervision or outcome, please contact your School Associate Dean (Research).

For any enquiries relating to the application process, please contact

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