The role of examiner is integral in assessing the quality and significance of a thesis. It’s also the final opportunity for candidates to obtain and respond to peer review of their research project, and to produce the highest quality thesis they can. Your critical review and advice is much appreciated.
The information below outlines ECU’s examination procedures and our expectations of examiners.
Where Examiners are asked to attend an oral examination, the oral examination will be held online and recorded, unless arrangements have been made for the examiners to attend the oral examination in person. The oral examination recordings will be stored in accordance with the University’s Records Management Policy.
We expect candidates, supervisors and examiners to adhere to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines recommended by the Council of Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies in Australia.
Research Assessments will send you a hard and/or electronic copy of the thesis or exegesis with any additional components, such as creative works, along with examiner guidelines and reports and paperwork related to the honorarium payment.
If you have any queries during the examination process, including non-receipt of, or misplacing of your forms, you should contact Research Assessments.
We ask that you return your report within six weeks from receipt of the thesis. If it becomes evident that this is not possible, please contact Research Assessments as soon as possible. Please note:
Australian examiners should complete and return the following to Research Assessments:
Evidence of Australian working rights can be shown by providing certified copies of one of the following documents:
For Australian citizens:
For Visa holders:
International examiners should complete and return the following to Research Assessments:
Examiner guidelines and reports differ based on the discipline and the level of the thesis. You will receive instructions on which guidelines and reports apply to the thesis or exegesis you are reviewing. Research Assessments will provide the necessary documents when they send you the thesis for examination.
The University doesn’t withhold the names of examiners from candidates, unless requested by the examiner(s).
Examiner anonymity is not possible for examiners involved in oral examination of the thesis.
Honorarium payments are made to examiners who are not employed by ECU. Our payments are based on the standard amounts recommended by Universities Australia:
Honorarium payments to Australian examiners are taxable. To reduce the amount of tax deducted from your payment you should complete and return the Tax File Number Declaration form, along with the One-Off Payment form provided by Research Assessments.
Honorarium payments to International examiners will be via direct deposit into a nominated account. You should complete and return the International Electronic Funds Transfer Bank Details and Statement by a supplier forms provided by Research Assessments.