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Variation of enrolment

It is your responsibility to make sure that you are enrolled each semester or have taken appropriate actions to vary your enrolment as required.

You may decide to vary your enrolment during your candidature, this may include changing your attendance mode, study load, applying for an intermission (deferral), or withdrawing from your course.

Any variation to your enrolment must be requested prior to the census date each semester. The census dates are available on the Withdrawal dates webpage here: Withdrawal Dates. Refer to Guideline for provisions around changing your enrolment, reducing you study load, intermitting or withdrawing from your course.

International candidates must always seek approval from Student Success before making any changes to their enrolment and Scholarship recipients must make sure they refer to the relevant Conditions of Awards and seek advice from the Scholarships Team.

Note: As per the University Rules: Admission, Enrolment, and Academic Progress Rules, 4.1 Time Requirements to complete:

4.1.1. Subject to Rules 5 and 6, for Students enrolled in a Course commencing:

  • a) before 1 January 2021, the student must complete the Course within 36 months or three times the University's standard full-time duration of the course (whichever is greater) calculated from the date the Student's first Unit in the Course commences; and
  • b) on or after 1 January 2021, the Student must complete the Course within the period that is two times the University's standard full-time duration of the Course, plus two years, calculated from the date the Student's first Unit in the Course commences.

Prior to making any changes to your enrolment, it is recommended that you speak with your supervisor prior to submitting a variation of HDR candidature application.

For information relating to length of candidature, extension of candidature and stages or milestones within your research enrolment visit the Candidature management web page.

  • Master by Research and Professional doctoral candidates who are required to re-enrol into coursework units should contact Student Administration prior to the census dates, from November for semester 1 and from May for semester 2.
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Professional doctorate and Master by Research candidates who are re-enrolling into non-coursework or thesis units will be re-enrolled via their Progress report.  Progress reports should be completed in October-November for semester 1 enrolment and in May-June for semester 2 enrolment.

It’s your responsibility to ensure that you’re enrolled.

It’s expected that you’ll be enrolled as an on-campus student, you may qualify for off-campus study under certain circumstances. If you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in sections 4.2-4.6 of the Off-campus, industry-engagement, and joint Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Programs Guidelines, you can apply for off-campus enrolment.

To start this process, discuss your situation with your supervisor and complete an Off-Campus PhD Candidate Agreement. Once finalised, contact Student Administration to request a change in your study mode and submit the approved Off-Campus PhD Candidate Agreement.

External candidates must adhere to the following enrolment expectations:

  • Regular meetings with supervisors during the research phase of candidature are mandatory.
  • Face-to-face meetings, facilitated through platforms like TEAMS or ZOOM, should occur no less than 10 days per year for full or part-time enrolment.
  • Additionally, students must present and defend their research proposal either on campus in Perth, via video/teleconference (using TEAMS or ZOOM), or at a location where the supervisor can attend.

Variation of enrolment may relate to a change in the mode of your degree, for example applying for an intermission (deferral), withdrawal from your course, adding a coursework unit, or changing school.

There are often implications for international students and research scholarship holders. You should seek advice from Student Success or the Scholarships team in Student Administration before submitting a variation of HDR candidature application.

Appropriate enrolment load

As you navigate your research journey, it's essential to manage your enrolment effectively to ensure ample time for your research endeavours and timely completion of your degree. For full-time candidates (100%), dedicating a minimum of 35 hours per week to your studies is generally expected. This commitment ensures you can fully engage with your research project and meet the prescribed timeframes for completion.

Adjusting your enrolment load

To apply for a variation in your enrolment load, you can submit the request either via the progress report or by using the Variation of Candidature form. Access the form on the Forms, Policies and Guidelines page.

If you are an international candidate, you must seek advice and endorsement from a Student Success Officer before submitting your application to vary your enrolment.

You can defer your enrolment for up to 12 months during your candidature. You must have completed at least one unit (or a semester of study) in the course before you decide to defer your studies.

If more intermission periods are needed, on exceptional circumstances, your School (through the Associate Dean Research), with support from your supervisor(s), may approve an extension to this period.

Note: Intermission, or "intermit" status, is considered a period of non-enrolment. Because of this:

  • You are not covered by University insurance, or entitled to access all facilities or services, such as supervision, IT services, Library, laboratory or rehearsal spaces;
  • You are not permitted to do research. The University must ensure that any student research conducted on its behalf is supervised, monitored and performed in an ethical manner. This is not possible for non-enrolled students;
  • You will have the minimum and maximum submission of thesis dates adjusted, as this period is not counted towards candidature.

When your period of intermission ends, you must contact Student Administration for advice on re-enrolling. If you don’t re-enrol, your enrolment in your course will lapse and you will have to apply for re-admission. You must also advise Student Administration if your contact details have changed.

International students

If you’re an international student there are a number of possible implications if you intermit or defer your research degree. You must discuss the implications with a Student Success Officer prior to the submission of your application to intermit through the form - Application for variation of research higher degree candidature.

Scholarship holders

If you’re receiving a research scholarship and require a period of intermission you must also submit a HDR Living Stipend Scholarship Intermission Application. For more information and advice on suspending your scholarship, contact Student Administration.

The decision to withdraw from your course should be well considered. You should discuss the matter with your supervisor, School coordinator or Coordinator Research Student Support about whether this is the best option for you.

If you intend to withdraw from your research degree you must submit a variation of HDR candidature application prior to the census date each semester, refer to the Withdrawal dates.

If you withdraw after these dates, there may be a penalty. For advice on this matter please contact Student Administration or your Coordinator, Research Student Support.

If you decide to return to the same research degree, or a degree in the same field of research, you need to apply to resume your course by completing an application for re-admission into higher degree by research course. This application will be assessed by your School and the availability of your supervisor will be taken into account as this may have changed since you were last enrolled.

International students

If you’re an international student there are implications if you withdraw from your research degree. You must discuss the implications with a Student Success Officer.

Scholarship holders

If you’re receiving a research scholarship and wish to withdraw from your research degree, you must advise the scholarships team in Student Administration to terminate the scholarship. For more information and advice, please contact Student Administration.

For more information relating to enrolling in coursework units in a Masters by Research program, please contact your School’s HDR Coordinator.


Student Administration

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