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Upgrading candidature

If you’re a Master by Research candidate and can demonstrate the capacity to conduct research at the doctoral level, having made significant progress in your degree, you may apply to be considered for an upgrade.

Upgrade criteria

Your School’s Associate Dean Research will consider the following criteria in relation to your application for upgrade:

  • demonstrated capacity to conduct research at the PhD level;
  • significant amount of work demonstrably of PhD standard in content, methodological approach and execution completed;
  • the bibliography of research reading is of a breadth and depth appropriate to PhD;
  • the supervisor and School are in support of the upgrade;
  • the proposed doctoral research differs in scope and depth of analysis from the master level research;
  • appropriate supervision can be provided for the doctoral research.

When can you apply for an upgrade?

You can apply for an upgrade of candidature only after haivng achieved Milestone 1: Introduction and Milestone 2: Research proposal, and you have made significant progress in your Master by Research degree.

Implications for remaining funded candidature

If your application to upgrade is successful there are implications on the period of time you have left to complete your PhD. The amount of time you’ve spent in your master by research will be deducted from the maximum amount of time you can spend doing your PhD.

Upgrade on scholarship

If you’re receiving a research scholarship, you should contact Student Administration for advice.

Student Administration

Further information

For more information about the application process download Candidature Upgrade from Master by Research (by thesis) to Doctor of Philosophy: Application guidelines and Application form.

For more information about the research proposal, review and approvals process, risk assessment and ethics approval visit the Resources and development web pages.

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