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Turnitin is a self-assessment tool that will assist you to avoid unintentional plagiarism by showing you where your have text that matches another source. This gives you the opportunity to review the matched text to ensure you have correctly referenced the source of any matches.

A Turnitin assessment of your research proposal is part of the confirmation of candidature process.You can also use it to check the chapters of your thesis or exegesis before you submit for examination.

Similarity report

Before submitting your research proposal for approval you should run it through Turnitin to generate a Similarity Report. This report will:

  • highlight matches that exist between your research proposal and other sources;
  • where matches are identified, you should carefully review them against your references to ensure that all matched text has been properly cited; and
  • your report should be discussed with your supervisor(s) and, where necessary, amendments made.

Access to Turnitin

Turnitin for HDR Students is available in the HDR training and workshops Canvas site (ECU's Learning Management System).

Research proposals or thesis chapters can be submitted more than once so that you can review your amendments. Subsequent submissions will overwrite your previous submission so that you only have one 'assignment' in the portal at any one time.

Additional support

If you need additional support to understand plagiarism you should consult your supervisor. You may also wish to seek support and advice from the HDR Communications Advisers in the HDR Skills Centre.

SOAR Centre Peer Advisers are able to provide support for referencing and using referencing software, such as EndNote and Mendeley. Book an appointment for assistance.

For assistance accessing Turnitin for HDR Students please contact Researcher Professional Development.

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