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Pooria Behnam


Pooria is available at Joondalup campus or via teleconference each Monday from 10am until 2pm.

Top 3 Skills

  • Data analysis (Python, MATLAB, and Design expert)
  • Referencing (EndNote)
  • Presentations

Training areas

Pooria provides support from his own experience with:

  • Writing for publication (research and review papers)
  • Data analysis (Python, MATLAB, and Design expert)
  • Referencing (EndNote)

Pooria also offers support in the following areas:

  • Proposal writing
  • Presentations (PowerPoint, posters, proposal seminars)
  • Microsoft office (Word and PowerPoint)
  • Confirmation of Candidature process (GRIP, Epigeum, REMS, Riskware, Turnitin)
  • General IT troubleshooting
  • CV and job applications

Research area

Pooria is a Ph.D. candidate investigating solar-driven water treatment and desalination systems at the School of Engineering. He aims to propose a new methodology based on artificial intelligence (AI) for accurate, fast, and efficient performance modelling of a solar water treatment system. This novel methodology can lead to a better understanding of the performance of these systems and paves the way for their performance improvement and commercialization. The existing modelling tools for the performance evaluation of these systems suffer from high complexity and computational costs. Therefore, Pooria aims to harness the power of machine learning and deep learning methods for overcome these obstacles and propose an advanced method for performance diagnose of solar desalination systems.


Pooria is an international student from Iran. He completed a BSc in Mechanical engineering and a MSc in Energy systems in Iran. Pooria was awarded the ECU Higher Degree by Research Scholarship to pursue his PhD degree in school of engineering. During his study, his has been engaging in many research projects and the outcomes have been published in ranking international journals. Outside of PhD research, Pooria is interested in gym and swimming.

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