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Nurul Ratna Sari


Sari is available on Mt Lawley campus and via videoconference Fridays from 10am until 2pm.

Top 3 Skills

  • Qualitative research methods
  • Qualitative data analysis
  • Presentations (Proposal seminar, Conference)

Training areas

Sari provides support from her own experience with:

  • Qualitative research method (qualitative approach, qualitative research instruments, focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, data triangulation)
  • Qualitative data analysis (data categorization, grounded theory, thematic analysis)
  • Mixed research methods (QUAL/quan)
  • Qualtrics
  • Ethics application
  • Research/Uni life balance
  • Project management
  • CV, resume, and job applications

Research area

Sari is a PhD student at the School of Arts and Humanities. Her work mainly focuses on Public Relations, public communication, Corporate Social Responsibility, and health and risk communication. Her doctoral research is about ICT risk communication, the Smart City, and the Smart Community in Indonesia. This research criticizes the role of Public Relations in ICT risk communication in performing societal implications in the Indonesian Smart Cities context. The Smart Cities comprise complexities in that they need to respond not only to technological development but also to the societal factors of a smart community as the subject in ICT risk communication engagement. The stakeholders’ voices, including the community, should be taken into account. The Indonesian community has diverse sociocultural backgrounds (cultural ethnicity, education, economy). Thus, Sari’s doctoral research examines four different types of communities (the urban elite community, the urban kampung community, the cultured elite community, and the traditional rural community) in dealing with ICT risk communication held by the local government, experts, and community experts, in the Smart City context. Best practices in ICT risk communication in a Smart City are required to engage with the community as the subject of risk communication. Thus, the research will provide input for policy development and implementation in public safety matters.


Sari completed her Bachelor of Communication Studies from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, in 2005. Since 2006, she has worked as a lecturer in the Department of Communication at Airlangga University, Indonesia. In 2009, she pursued her postgraduate in Public Relations and Professional Communication) at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. After completing her degree in 2010, Sari returned to work as a lecturer at Airlangga University while being a Public Relations chief for the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University. Sari has presented her research at international conferences and was awarded best presenter at the 5th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA) held by Airlangga University (2019). Additionally, Sari has been involved in research and community development programs conducted by Surabaya and East Java governments. She has been a trainer and consultant in Public Relations, public communication, and public services performance for the local government and some corporations in East Java. In 2019, Sari participated in the Western Australia and East Java Universities Consortium (WAEJUC) research training program and was awarded an ECU-WAEJUC scholarship to pursue a PhD. Sari moved to Western Australia with her family in 2020 for her PhD at ECU. While busy managing her family life and studying her PhD, she has also worked as a casual academic for ECU’s School of Arts and Humanities.

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