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Education Committee

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Established in 2017 by combining the previous Curriculum Teaching and Learning Committee (CTLC) and the Academic Services Committee (ASC), the Education Committee advises and makes recommendations to the Academic Board on Rules, policies, procedures and services relating to academic services for all student groups. The committee also addresses matters relating to the curriculum and delivery of academic programs, resource requirements and infrastructure planning with regard to educational programs,the improvement of teaching and learning, course standards, quality and evaluation, the quality of teaching and learning delivery in all locations and modes of delivery, flexible learning, and academic staff development relating to teaching and learning.

The Education Committee reviews all proposals for new courses, majors and specialisations and if satisfied with their quality and compliance, recommends them to the Academic Board for approval.

The Terms of Reference include the selection and admission of students, student progress, English language standards, entry pathways and articulation, advanced standing, assessment, examinations, all student support services, library, relationships between the University, the student body and student organisation, graduations, scholarships and prizes, and services necessary for staff to undertake their academic role.

Committee Standing Orders

These Standing Orders apply to Academic Board, committees of the Board and subordinate bodies, with the exception of the Human Research Ethics Committee and the Animal Ethics Committee. These standing orders are for the efficient and effective conduct of meetings. They are based on principles of fairness and equity and designed on the basis of the constitution of Academic Board.

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Working Groups

The Education Committee convenes working groups as required to facilitate review of key matters, and these groups meet as required. The working groups that currently meet on a regular basis include:

Meeting Agendas

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Meeting Minutes







The Education Committee replaces the Curriculum Teaching and Learning Committee, and the Academic Services Committee. Agendas and Minutes from these committees are available below.

Meeting Agendas

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Meeting Minutes

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Meeting Agendas

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Meeting Minutes

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