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Research and Higher Degrees Committee

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The Research and Higher Degree Committee provides leadership, strategic advice and quality assurance in research and research training for students and staff to achieve quality research outcomes. More information is available in the related downloads.


Committee members represent senior staff ex-officio, academic staff, service centres and student representation. The current membership list is available in the related downloads.

Meetings schedule

Committee meetings are held six times per year. See the related download for more information on deadlines for submitting agenda items and Committee meeting dates.

Terms of reference

The Terms of Reference for this Committee outline its role in providing advice to the Academic Board, the composition of its membership and its rules. It is available in the related downloads.

Committee Standing Orders

These Standing Orders apply to Academic Board, committees of the Board and subordinate bodies, with the exception of the Human Research Ethics Committee and the Animal Ethics Committee. These standing orders are for the efficient and effective conduct of meetings. They are based on principles of fairness and equity and designed on the basis of the constitution of Academic Board.

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Meeting Agendas

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Meeting Minutes






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