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Academic Policy Working Group

Further details, information and supporting documentation is available on the Academic Quality and Standards SharePoint site. Please note access to this site requires an ECU staff login.

ECU has a highly consultative approach to academic policy development and review, incorporating input from stakeholders and taking account of the relevant legislation and guidance (e.g. TEQSA, AQF, ASQA, ESOS). The Academic Policy Working Group is a working group of the Education Committee, formed with the purpose of assessing, reviewing and monitoring ECU's policies and procedures relating to academic matters, and making recommendations to the Education Committee as required. The Academic Policy Working Group is chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education), and the membership includes senior academic and professional staff.

Meetings are held approximately every six weeks and align with the cycle of Education Committee meetings. Submissions are due by one week prior to the meeting date. To submit an item for consideration or for more information on the Academic Policy Working Group, please contact Academic Quality and Standards or call extension 5678.

The meeting schedule of the Academic Policy Working Group is available on the APWG SharePoint site.

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