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Post-nominals (Award abbreviations)

Further details, information and supporting documentation is available on the Academic Quality and Standards SharePoint site. Please note access to this site requires an ECU staff login.

What is a post-nominal?

A post-nominal, also known as an award abbreviation, is the shortened titles for academic qualifications, civil and military honours and other specific memberships including professional associations and parliament, that may be displayed after a person's name.

How to display ECU's Post-nominals

ECU graduates may display the designated post-nominals for their qualifications or course as specified in the List of Authorised Post-nominals; or where the course is not listed, by referring to the Glossary of Award Abbreviations.

The Standards for developing a Post-nominal are:

  • The post-nominal for Edith Cowan University is ECowan (in italics) not ECU.
  • Spaces should not be used within the Post-nominal (except for double-degrees).
  • Multiple Post-nominals should be separated by a space.
  • Double-degrees are separated by a forward slash without spaces between the two abbreviated awards.
  • Courses where majors or specialisations form part of the course title are enclosed in round brackets.
  • Italics are used for the name of the institution.
  • Post-nominal comprise of a combination of upper and lower case characters.
  • Punctuation is not used within the Post-nominal for an award.

The order to Display Post-nominals

A person may use one or multiple post-nominals, depending on the number of academic awards (qualifications), civil and military honours they have received, or professional associations they belong to.

The order in which post-nominals should be listed is guided by the Australian Government Style Manual, and is as follows:

  1. Post-nominals for honours and awards.
  2. Queen’s Counsel (QC) or Senior Counsel (SC) or Justice of the Peace (JP).
  3. University degrees and diplomas.
  4. Membership of professional associations.
  5. Membership of parliament.

For more information about displaying award abbreviations please contact Academic Quality and Standards or (08) 6304 5678.

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