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Consultative committees

Further details, information and supporting documentation is available on the Academic Quality and Standards SharePoint site. Please note access to this site requires an ECU staff login.

Consultative Committees (or sometimes referred to as Advisory Boards) are an important mechanism for ECU to ensure the relevance and quality of its courses, teaching, research, and possibilities for collaboration through external referencing. This is facilitated through engagement with a range of key stakeholders including members of industry, business, government, NGOs and community sectors.

Consultative Committees may be associated with one specific course, or several similar or related courses, however it is important that ALL ECU courses are advised by a Consultative Committee in accordance with the Guidelines to:

provide high level advice to the University about courses, teaching, research, and possibilities for collaboration across a range of activities. The Consultative Committee provides key external referencing to ensure the University is provided with diverse perspectives, including from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as opportunities for the University to gain insight into student employability and future careers success.

Feedback from the Consultative Committee is used to inform the development of new courses, and in the review and improvement of current courses and units; and is referenced in the Annual Review of Courses and Major Course Review (conducted every five years).

In this regard it is very important that appropriate engagement and consultation on key issues relevant to the course(s) is conducted and captured to inform these continuous improvement processes; and so that the Academic staff may reference the advice of external stakeholders in future reviews. Please consult the Terms of Reference for guidance on appropriate membership, composition and meeting conduct.

Consultative Committee/Advisory Board Administration

It is important the University has up-to-date information on our Consultative Committees.

The establishment of new consultative committees, maintenance of membership and composition, and record of meeting and minutes are facilitated in the Consultative Committees Database.


Agenda and minute templates have been developed to guide the capture of relevant information. These are available on the Consultative Committee SharePoint. Please note access to this site requires an ECU staff login.

Consultative Committee Database

To ensure ECU’s consultative committee’s and advisory board information remains up-to-date please enter all Consultative Committee information into the Consultative Committees Database.


For further information, please contact Academic Quality and Standards.

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