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CRICOS registration management

Further details, information and supporting documentation is available on the Academic Quality and Standards SharePoint site. Please note access to this site requires an ECU staff login.

Education providers who offer study options to international students on student visas, such as ECU, must be registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). This is to ensure that the courses on offer are of the highest standard and in compliance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act.

ECU's CRICOS provider code is 00279B and each course provided by ECU for overseas students also has a CRICOS code which can be found on International Students Confirmation of Enrolment.

Before offering a course to international students, ECU must submit an application to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Authority (TEQSA) to register the course and obtain a CRICOS code. To assist staff in the CRICOS process please refer to one of the list of CRICOS processes below.

Request new CRICOS code

A request for new CRICOS code must be submitted to the Academic Quality and Standards (AQS) team using the CRICOS Application form. The AQS Manager will review the application and submit it to TEQSA for processing. The final approval and release of the new CRICOS code can take up to three weeks.

AQS will advise relevant stakeholders when the new CRICOS code has been issued by TEQSA. If you require any further information or support please contact Academic Quality and Standards

CRICOS processes

For information regarding CRICOS processes, please see the CRICOS SharePoint page.

  • CRICOS code application for a new course
  • CRICOS code application process for an existing course
  • CRICOS code process for reactivating a suspended code
  • CRICOS code process for suspending a code
  • CRICOS code process for cancelling a code
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