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Fraud Risk Assessment

The ECU Fraud Risk Assessment (FRA) is grouped into 7 risk categories:

  • Academic
  • Financial
  • Procurement
  • Payroll
  • Physical Property
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology

The FRA identifies the inherent integrity risks associated with each risk category as well as whether a specific area of the University is vulnerable to the identified integrity risks.  The identified integrity risks are sorted in order of those integrity risks that ECU is most vulnerable to, to those that ECU is the least vulnerable to, by risk category.  This information is also replicated at Academic and Professional area levels.

It is expected that the vulnerabilities identified in the FRA would be used by Academic and Professional areas to develop and implement risk mitigation strategies as part of their operational risk registers.  The contents of the FRA will also be used in integrity training programs and to inform the internal audit and legislative compliance programs.

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