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Proposal seminar

As part of Milestone 2: Research Proposal Milestone, you’ll need to present a seminar based on your research proposal.

At this seminar, the reviewers of your proposal, school staff and fellow candidates are invited to hear you present an outline of your research and to provide feedback on your research design and methodology.

Your supervisor can assist with the procedure for scheduling proposal seminars in your school. Your supervisor is also the best person to advise you on what’s expected for a proposal seminar, including presentation structure and appropriate length.

It’s also recommended that you attend other proposal seminars presented by candidates in your school to get an idea of what to expect.

Nominating your reviewer panel

A review panel for a research proposal must determine whether:

  • the project is conceptually and methodologically sound;
  • the project is of appropriate scope for the level of the award;
  • the research is significant/able to make an original contribution to knowledge; and
  • the research is matched to the candidate’s abilities and school’s resources.

Reviewers are appointed to provide reports and recommendations on your proposal. You should note:

  • reviewers are appointed by your supervisor(s) and approved by your school's Associate Dean (Research);
  • proposals are reviewed by two reviewers; and
  • a proposal reviewer may be nominated as a thesis examiner at a later date if they meet appropriate criteria.

For more information on the proposal review panel and to nominate reviewers, download the Nominating Proposal Reviewers application form.

After proposal seminar

We expect that reviewers will give you some verbal feedback at your seminar and written feedback through the reviewers’ reports.

After your research proposal has been reviewed, you must discuss the suggestions made by the reviewers with your supervisor.

In consultation with your supervisor, make the necessary adjustments to your research proposal and draft an outline of changes and/or, if necessary, a defence of the reviewers’ recommendations.

Once you’ve revised your research proposal, please ensure your supervisor is satisfied with the final document. The revised proposal will then enter the approval process.

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