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Staff planning

The planning processes link the University's objectives and strategies with School and Centre operational plans. This cascades down to team and individual performance planning and annual review discussions.

Staff (or workforce) planning involves planning for future staffing capacity and organisation structure to deliver the outcomes required for the University's strategic priorities. This is aligned with school and business unit plans and priorities through annual staff planning meetings.

Annual staff planning

Annual staff planning discussions are held by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief People Officer, People and Culture across all areas of the University.

Progress against longer-term staff profile objectives and any associated targets is assessed annually by the University's senior executive team through Executive Reviews with each school and service centre.

Policies and plans

The University's high-level staffing plan sets out the objectives and strategies over a three-year time frame. This plan includes equity and diversity commitments and targets relating to the staffing profile.

The University also has an Indigenous Employment Strategy and Action Plan under the umbrella of the Reconciliation Action Plan. All parts of the University are encouraged to contribute to the achievement of the employment outcomes and targets in this plan.

For more information see, the University's Frameworks and performance monitoring webpage.

Process and guidelines

The University's annual planning processes and frameworks are overseen by Planning, Quality and Equity Services.

In addition, exportable staffing metrics, profiles and benchmarks are available in a dashboard format for each area via the EIMS data warehouse. EIMS is accessible from the Other Logins menu in the staff portal.

External staff profiles comparisons and benchmarks and remuneration comparisons can also be useful for planning and preparing a business case for new positions and organisation structures.

Useful sources

Salary relativity benchmark information is available from your People and Culture Business Partner.

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