As part of your new starter’s corporate staff induction, we recommend they complete these few items to make sure they feel safe and comfortable in their new environment and to understand how their position fits in to the ECU community.
These recommended items are easy to complete and they can do this at a time that suits them.
Some of the recommended items require a discussion between yourself and your new starter. We ask that you take some time to discuss these items to clarify expectations of the position from both you and your new starter and to ensure your new starter feels comfortable and welcomed at ECU.
It is important that your new starter understands exactly what it is that they have been employed to do. They have been provided a link to view their position description online. It is your responsibility to meet with your new starter and clearly outline the position’s key duties, accountabilities and your expectations.
Our behaviour expectations are determined by the ECU Code of Conduct and our mission, vision and values. In addition to your new starter reading these online documents it is important that you discuss the University’s, and your, behaviour expectations with your new starter. You can take the opportunity to discuss issues such as meal and tea breaks, dress code, working hours and flexibility.
It is important that all new starters are aware of ECU’s emergency and safety procedures. Please ensure your new starter is familiar with our emergency guidelines. See our Campus Support Office, Emergency Management web page.
The Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H) team have developed an online OS&H induction course for all new starters. Staff access this course with the standard ADS login. It is a legal requirement that all ECU employees complete this course.