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Manager/Supervisor Resources

Manager/Supervisor Resources

This page contains information to help line managers.

Staff clearance

Upon receipt of a formal written and accepted resignation, Payroll will commence the clearance process and will automatically email all clearance stakeholders (eg. Campus Services for keys, Accounts Payable for credit cards, Library Services for library books etc). On receipt of these emails, the clearance stakeholders will contact the exiting employee to ensure the return of any University issued items prior to the employees last working day.

Please work with your ceasing employee to ensure the return of all University issued equipment/items.

Please ensure that resignations are sent through to payroll as soon as possible.

Grievance resolution policy

ECU's policy outlines the steps to follow if you have a staff member with a grievance or dispute.

This may also help if you think you and the staff member can resolve the problem and they want to continue working at ECU.

Evaluation of role

When a staff member leaves you may want to reconsider the role and its place in your team.

For more information, see our Organisation Structure and Position Establishment Policy.

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