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Branding of 3rd party web systems

ECU's Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team employs a mobile first, fully-responsive design strategy for managing the visual style of the corporate ECU website. This strategy is based upon the latest web frameworks.

As these frameworks are bespoke by nature, designed to be touch-friendly, only support the latest browsers and are built around latest technologies and approaches, they are often incompatible with many 'off-the-shelf' web application systems. Our current corporate web styles include the following:

  • 2025 Corporate web style - ECU Internet and Intranet webpages,
  • 2025 Corporate web theme (World-Class) ECU World-Class Research webpages,
  • 2025 Corporate web theme (Co-branded) WAAPA webpages,
  • 2025 Corporate experience theme (New Students) - ECU My Uni Start webpages,
  • 2025 Corporate experience theme (Current Students) - ECU Current Students Portal,
  • 2025 Corporate experience theme (Current Students) - ECU Academic Progression Platform,
  • 2025 Corporate experience theme (Creative Thinkers Made Here) - ECU Homepage and Future Students webpages.

Under no circumstances are the seven styles visual styles above to be used or adapted to a web application system or externally developed website. These visual styles are exclusive to the ECU WebCMS (Squiz DXP) and select Salesforce environments, and their use outside those environments is strictly prohibited. The source code for most of these designs will contain a statement similar to theone  below to reinforce this position.

###                                                                            ###
###    ECU 2014 Corporate Web Style (Simply Red) for EXCLUSIVE use within      ###
###    the ECU WebCMS. It is absolutely forbidden to copy this style, use      ###
###    this style for web applications, or implement within external systems.  ###
###    For further information please contact the Digital Marketing Manager,   ###
###    Digital Marketing Team, Marketing and Communications Services Centre,   ###
###    via                                      ###
###                                                                            ###

Our Corporate Web Styles

Creative Thinkers Made Here

Creative Thinkers Made Here Example

Corporate Web Internet / Intranet

Public - Web style example

Our Corporate Web Experiences

Future Students

Future Student - Web experience theme example

New Students

New Student - Web experience theme example

Current Students

Student Portal - Web experience theme example

Academic Progression

Academic Progression - Web experience theme example

World Class Research

World Class - Web experience theme example

WAAPA Co-Brand

WAAPA - Web experience theme example

Using the ECU Logo

Use of the ECU Logo is governed by the ECU Branding and Logo Policy. You must consult this policy and apply for approval to use the ECU Logo prior to implementation. Where existing web application systems are in place, or you are undertaking an upgrade, you aren't expected to seek approval if previously obtained.

Branding a 3rd party web application system

The Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team does not supply customised 'visual templates' or 'html code/styling' for 3rd party web application systems. Instead, any direction given in relation to visual branding of 3rd party web systems is based on a scale of grading.

This grading ranges from the highest  level (maximum compliance), through to the lowest level (no compliance). You can first determine your web application system's level of current compliance, or intended level using the information below, and then engage with the web developer with the aim fo achieving the highest level of compliance possible  and practicable.

It should be noted that ECU is not in the business of branding externally developed web systems/websites to 'look like the ECU Website'. Rather we respect the 3rd party design already applied to a system being implemented or developed. Past experience has shown that heavily 'branded' web application systems  are prone to issues, such as incompatibility with prescribed templates (mobile first, responsive, etc.), upgrade issues when the web application is changed, and generally poor implementation of the ECU visual brand - as neither is fit for purpose.

If you're unsure, please contact the Web Experience Manager, via to seek further advice.

Once you have considered your desired grading below, and have selected the most appropriate visual design that best suits your web application system, you can download our sample HTML files to adapt to your purposes.

Compliance 3

Grade 3 - Maximum compliance (most common)

This is the most common level of compliance for web systems. This level leverages the ability of most web systems to customise the 'header' and 'footer' of the web application.

Systems of this level are characterised by the following;

  • Adherence to style header and footer.
  • Include a correctly-sized and placed ECU Logo.
Compliance 2

Grade 2 - Minimal compliance

Systems of this level are usually purchased from a vendor, and the vendor allows for very little customisation. Most commonly, these web systems facilitate changing 'the logo'.

Systems of this level are characterised by the following;

  • Include an ECU Logo.
Compliance 1

Grade 1 - No compliance

Systems of this level are usually purchased from a vendor, and the vendor allows for no customisation. Web applications that fall into this grade are actively discouraged.

Systems of this level are characterised by the following;

  • No ECU branding whatsoever.

Branding a 3rd party web application system - colour palette

To access ECU's Corporate Style guides, as well as a range of marketing collateral templates, visit ECU's Brand Hub (sign-in via ECU SSO).

Compliance with the ECU web accessibility initiative

Edith Cowan University is committed to making our web pages and systems meet accepted web accessibility standards. We have a commitment to providing accessible websites that comply with the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 AA Conformance. To assist web developers in achieving these standards the Digital Marketing, Experience and Analytics team have developed a simple Website Quality Assurance Checklist. This checklist covers three broad areas:

  • PART A: Web-based publication standards and usability
  • PART B: Web-based content
  • PART C: Accessibility

In order to meet our web accessibility standards you should ensure your web application system passes all the guidelines within the 'PART C' section. Failures can indicate that the web system being tested would not be accessible to all parties. This checklist should not replace proper testing against the full standards.

For further information about the W3C WCAG guidelines, visit the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

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